Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Do people who are rich know more than normal people?


The money isn’t in knowing more.

The money is in execution.

If knowing more was so profitable, then all scientists or historians would be wealthy.

You can get traction by having enough knowledge and experience and excellent executional skills.

I saw this online and it is very true:

Many people overrate the idea. You see people who start businesses focusing on some big problem.

That can be sensible as people pay for things if you solve their problem.

However, it is better to make sure that you focus on executing that idea.

Many businesses are making a lot of money starting businesses that really aren’t solving any problem.

Remember too that there are countless multi-millionaires and even 1–2 billionaires who got rich from the trash business.

They weren’t focusing on some grand idea. They merely got rich from execution in areas where ‘nobody’ seems to want to compete.

The key thing is also being consistent, persistent, taking risks and persevering.

This Mike Tyson quote is very true:

I have seen countless people who know a lot and start executing well, but give up after experiencing difficult times.

Or they sell up too quickly and take their feet off the accelerator.

The same is true for private investing. Many people know that you can get rich slow from investing.

Most of us also know that middle-aged, middle or upper-middle-income, person, who is now wealthy in terms of assets due to playing the long game.

It could be our grandma, parents or whoever.

Putting it into action is the key, not just knowing about it in theory.

That is the difference between watching those who are no smarter or knowledgeable than you live a better life, just because they take more calculated risks or other forms of action.

Pained by financial indecision? Want to start investing? -Reach out today!

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Forbes - Adam Fayed | CEO - | Forbes Councils

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