Sunday, April 28, 2019

Chinese Face Map Reveals What Part Of Your Body Is Sick And How To Address It!

If your eyes are the windows to your soul, then your face is a map of everything that ails you, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). While this may sound farfetched to some people, many traditional healers contend there is a science of sorts to the theory.
The Chinese have always used healing techniques such as acupuncture and tai chi, which incorporates the entire body and mind. They also widely use a variety of specific herbal remedies proven by science to be useful for an array of ailments (1).
When it comes to reading your face, however, in order to determine and even diagnose disease, the Chinese rely on the fact that your body is full of various connections and pathways designed to keep you running at optimal levels.
Every organ, muscle, nerve and cell for that matter, must work together to assure homeostasis. If one area is not working properly, it makes sense that it can affect other areas, which is essentially the foundation for Chinese face mapping.

Your Face Tells All

Your skin is actually the largest organ in your body—adults have about 8 pounds and 22 square feet of skin (2). Chinese face mapping theorizes that if your skin is not healthy, there is likely an issue somewhere else in your body.
Your face can also reveal things about how you really feel, even if you try to mask those feelings (3).
As such, your face can be a wonderful indication of what is happening internally since it reflects internal changes faster than other parts of your body.
It essentially represents trouble brewing inside that you can’t otherwise see without more invasive measures.
“Your face is a mirror of your health. Your body has a map and your face is part of the map. Each of these organs is an open window in the face. The eyes are the window of the liver, the nose is the window into the lungs and the ears are the window of the kidney. When illness starts, the energy will not flow smoothly, so features on the face, including shapes and colors, will also change,” says acupuncturist Angela Zhang (4).

Chinese Face Map

Face mapping: What is your acne telling you?
To healers using this form of medicine, your face becomes a map that allows them to uncover clues about your overall health that conventional doctors may overlook at first glance.
Here are some of the primary areas on a Chinese face map and what they can tell you about your health (5).
1. Your Forehead
This area represents your gallbladder and bladder.
Cause: According to TCM, issues in this area typically relate to stress and internal stagnation. Triggers include eating too many fats (trans-fats) and canned foods that affect your gallbladder. Things like excessive alcohol, sugar, and too little sleep coupled with stress, can also cause issues on your forehead.
Cure: Drink plenty of clean, fresh water, eat whole, raw foods and make sure to get enough sleep. As well, avoid all triggers such as alcohol and fatty foods to help alleviate your symptoms. Yoga and other meditative techniques can further help to manage stress (6).

2. Between your Eyebrows

This area represents your liver and stomach (digestive system).
Cause: Issues with your liver typically relate to an overload of toxins since your liver filters toxins from your body. Medications such as over-the-counter pain relievers or antihistamines are also hard on your liver. As well, food allergens can trigger inflammation and malfunction of the liver.
Processed foods are a big issue as they are difficult for both your stomach and liver to process. Too much protein is also hard to digest and if your digestive system is constantly trying to break down food, it will not get the rest and regeneration it needs (7).
Cure: Alcohol is very hard on your liver, so this is one of the first things you need to reduce or cut out altogether. Avoid any foods linked to skin breakouts, especially processed foods that are typically high in trans-fats.
Eat more whole foods and make sure to exercise daily. It’s also a good idea to go outside for fresh air and get enough sleep so your body can heal and regenerate.

3. The Arches of your Eyebrows and Eye Area

On the Chinese face map, this area represents kidney problems. Issues include such things as pimples or blemishes as well as puffiness and swollen lower eyelids and dark circles under your eyes.
Cause: Overworked kidneys typically result from too much salt or preservatives, smoking, excessive alcohol, poor circulation, and/or a weakened heart.
Cure: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Also, reduce your caffeine intake and avoid alcohol, processed foods, salty foods, as well as sweetened drinks.

4. Your Nose

This area represents your heart and circulatory system.
Cause: In TCM, your cheeks and nose area are closely related to and issues in this area reflect poor cardiovascular health, including possible issues with your blood pressure and cholesterol levels (8).
Too much alcohol, coffee, and spicy foods can also trigger nose issues as can spending too much time in closed, polluted air spaces.
Cure: Add or increase the amount of essential fatty acids by eating more avocados, flax seeds, and olive and coconut oil. Remove trigger foods like alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods.Drink organic green tea or add chlorophyll to your drinking water to help dispel toxins (9). It’s also a good idea to exercise regularly to keep your circulatory system working efficiently.

5. Your Cheeks

This area often represents issues with your lungs and respiratory system as well as possible issues with your metabolism and/or your ability to absorb nutrients.
Causes: Blemishes on the crest of your cheekbones, especially, may represent respiratory problems caused by allergies or smoking.
Persistent overheating can also cause issues in this area, as can environmental toxins in your indoor air.
People with asthma will often experience cheek blemishes.
Cure: Reduce your expose to indoor toxins such as air fresheners, candles, and commercial household cleaners etc. that studies show cause disease.
Use natural products when you can and open your windows at least once a day.
Stop smoking and exercise regularly outside to assure you get fresh, clean air whenever possible.

6. Mouth and Lip Area

Blemishes around your mouth and lip area are associated with your spleen, stomach, and digestive system. In TCM, your spleen and stomach are considered your main digestive organs, so any problems in these areas can manifest as things like IBS, dysbiosis, bloating, bad breath, problems with appetite, and poor stool movements, among other things. Spleen issues also cause issues like cold sores and cracked lips.
Cause: According to TCM, “dampness” causes many illnesses including high cholesterol, cancer, metabolic disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, allergies and environmental illnesses. Internal dampness is a condition of “high humidity” inside your body.
According to Chinese face mapping, skin issues around your mouth and chin area are caused by consistent exposure to excessive dampness. Heavy, damp foods may also be a cause. These foods include things like fatty, greasy and deep-fried foods, milk products (except yogurt), sugar and sweets, white-wheat flour, refined starch and highly processed starch products, too many mushrooms and fungi, peppers, cold beverages, as well as excessive amounts of fermented foods (10).
In TCM your spleen is responsible for “giving you energy (Qi),” therefore, if you have blemishes on your chin, mouth or lip area, you may be lacking energy. Eating a lot of spicy foods, staying up late and consistent stress can also cause an imbalance and issues in these areas.
Cure: Eat foods with yeast/fungus-inhibiting properties known to relieve damp and damp-heat such as onions, cinnamon, ginger, scallions, basil, rosemary, dill, oregano, sage, parsley, cardamom, nutmeg, fennel, anise, clove, coriander, leeks, chives, rye, celery, lettuce, alfalfa, turnips, raw honey and corn. Avoid excessively spicy foods and get plenty of sleep.
7. Your Chin and Jaw Area
Skin issues on your chin and jaw area typically point to hormonal imbalances.
Cause: Blemishes on either side of your chin indicate internal hormonal changes and/or stress. Because of this, women often find they have issues in this area during their menstrual cycle.
Cure: Take omega-3 fatty acids to help regulate your hormones. Adopt a healthy lifestyle by reducing stress as much as possible. Make sure to go to sleep early and wake up early—get at least 7-8 hours each night. Practice stress management techniques like yoga and meditation and drink plenty of water while eating more leafy greens. Plus, try to eat hormone-regulating foods.
Your face can tell you a lot about your health, all you have to do is listen.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Moringa Oleifera Kills 97% Of Pancreatic Cancer Cells In Vitro

We just discovered an amazing report about Moringa, courtesy of our friends over at The Eden Prescription. In 2013 scientists reported in a paper published in BMJ Complementary and Alternative Medicine (A peer-reviewed, open access journal) that A hot-water extract of the leaves of Moringa Oleifera killed up to 97% of human pancreatic cancer cells (Panc-1) after 72 hours in lab tests. Moringa leaf extract inhibited the growth of all pancreatic cell lines tested. [1]
Pancreatic cancer is very serious, one of the worst. Fewer than 6% patients with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas live five years after diagnosis. The typical treatment is currently chemotherapy.
Called the “miracle tree” on account of its many virtues, Moringa is very well known in India, parts of Africa, the Philippines and several other countries, yet it is relatively unknown in countries such as the USA. However it seems from the current buzz around it that it may well soon experience a rise to new popularity. It has a long history of use in traditional medicine due to its properties as an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, antidepressant, anti-diabetes, pain and fever reducer and even asthma treatment. We’ve dedicated a full page on our site to a detailed herbal report on the amazing Moringa and those interested in herbalism would do well to investigate this plant.
It also contains numerous powerful anti-cancer compounds such as kaempferol, rhamnetin and isoquercetin. Now, researchers are discovering that Moringa has anti-cancer potential with positive results so far against ovarian cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, and melanoma in lab tests. A list of these studies can be seen on Pubmed here.
Please note that it’s a long way before Moringa can be claimed as a cancer cure, but this kind of study is important because it indicates the potential for a starting point for a medicine of the future. It’s especially interesting because Moringa is already in common use – not only in herbalism but in a wide variety of other applications.
Moringa is now extensively cultivated throughout Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and Central America, but the largest Moringa crop in the world is produced by India – where it grows natively. It’s fascinating to note that may be one reason why the death rate from pancreatic cancer in India is a stunning 84% lower than in the United States! Moringa supplements are available online.
Note – as always, this article is not medical advice nor a substitute for consultation with a medical professional.
Note 2 – “In Vitro” literally means “In Glassware” and is the Latin expression to denote that the tests were done on cell cultures in a lab, as opposed to “In Vivo” which means tested on living creatures. Such studies indicate preliminary success but much more research will be needed to “prove” efficacy in humans. Though the huge disparity in pancreatic cancer rates in India is highly encouraging.
Check out our full “herbal page” on Moringa – tons of detailed information for those wishing to study this plant in depth:
Please check out The Eden Prescription for more reports on the cutting edge science being done investigating the medicinal properties of herbs!

[1] Berkovich L, et al. (2013) Moringa Oleifera aqueous leaf extract down-regulates nuclear factor-kappaB and increases cytotoxic effect of chemotherapy in pancreatic cancer cells.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Stinging Nettle – One of Most Useful Wild Plants

 By  25 Comments

Don’t let the “sting” of stinging nettles keep you from getting to know this amazing plant. Nettles have a long history of use for food, medicine, fiber and more. We’ll introduce you to this natural green wonder and its many benefits.
stinging nettle plant

Stinging Nettle, Urtica dioica

Stinging nettle is also known as common, slender or tall nettle; stingers, wild spinach, and devil leaf.

Where to Find Stinging Nettle

Nettles are a perennial plant found in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. They prefer high nitrogen soil with plenty of moisture, like the edges of farm fields and along rivers.
If they show up in your garden, you might want to relocate them before the plants get too big. They spread via rhizomes, and can take over a garden bed completely. Planted along an edge they can protect your garden, but be wary of spreading.
If you don’t have your own stinging nettles to gather, there are a wide variety of nettle products on the market. Health food stores, online merchants and enterprising herbalists sell everything from herbal tea, to salves to freeze dried nettles.

Plant Identification – Leaves, Stems and Roots

The mature leaves are oblong and deeply toothed. They are 2-5 inches long and found in opposite pairs every few inches along the upper half of the stalk. Young plants will often have a purplish tinge as they emerge from the ground.
young stinging nettle plants
The entire plant is covered with fine stinging hairs and grows from 3-7 feet tall in temperate climates. (Warm climate Urtica dioica can grow up to 20 feet tall.) Stalks are hollow and squarish, with four deep grooves running along their length. The stem contains strong fibers, historically used for rope, fabric and paper.
Nettle roots form rhizome networks, similar to quackgrass. A healthy colony can spread five feet or more in a season.
nettle plants

Stinging Nettle Rash

Touching a nettle plant with bare skin will produce a stinging or burning sensation. Each stinging hair contains toxin at the base. When you brush against the plant, the tip of the hair breaks off. This broken hair acts like a hypodermic needle to inject formic acid (also found in ant bites), histamine, acetylcholine and other irritants.
The rash will subside on its own over time. To speed up the process, try applying crushed plantain, jewelweed, dock, rosemary, mint or sage. If you don’t have herbs available, boil and cool a cabbage leaf for a poultice. Antihistamines may also help.
Some people use toothpaste as a home remedy for nettle sting, but there’s not much evidence to back that option up.
Can you die from nettle stings?
Not likely, unless you have a severe allergic reaction, but it’s best to limit exposure until you see how your body reacts. Some people are more sensitive than others. Don’t confuse the sting from nettles with phytophotodermatitis.

Eating Stinging Nettles

Harvest fresh nettle tops in spring to use in cooking, or keep the plants cut back and harvest fresh growth throughout the season. Use gloves, or handle with care.
Use nettle as you would any cooked green. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamins C and A; calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron. Nettles are also very high in protein.
Do not eat the leaves raw or undercooked. Heat neutralizes the sting, but sensitive individuals may still not tolerate them well. Blanch for two minutes, sauté or steam.
I did not react to a dried leaf infusion. I did react to fresh leaf infusion. Nothing serious, but I'll make sure to thoroughly cook or dry my nettles before consuming them in the future.
Nettles may also be dehydrated for later use. Rinse leaves (if needed) and pat dry. Dehydrate at low temps. (95°F in a commercial dehydrator, or air dry.)
dehydrating leaves
Like all edible wild plants, be careful to make sure to clearly identify the plant and test a little at first before consuming in quantity
Note:  Healing Wise has a very nice assortment of nettle recipes for food and for hair and skin tonics.The Forager's Harvest is another good resource for harvesting and cooking tips.
Stinging nettles play host to a wide variety of insects and provide food for many other critters. They are the only food source for the larval form of the red admiral butterfly.
When I was a little girl, my mom would always add some chopped leaves and sour milk to cow feed to feed to the baby ducks and geese.

Nettles as a Herbal Rennet Substitute for Making Cheese

You can use nettles and some other herbs as a rennet substitute in cheesemaking. (The bookStillroom Cookery mentions cleavers and Jerusalem artichoke as other options as well.)  Susun Weed gives a recipe for herbal rennet in Healing Wise:
  • 1 quart nettles and 1 quart water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
Cook leaves in simmering salted water in well-covered pan for ten minutes. Strain and add to warm milk. (Each cup of this will curdle 4 quarts (1 gallon) of milk.)
stinging nettle flowers

Stinging Nettle Benefits

In Healing Wise, Susun Weed sings the praises of nettle for just about everything, lauding it as a hair and skin tonic, adrenal booster, bone builder,  gout healer and more. It acts as an anti inflammatory, and is loaded with nutrients.

Treat Seasonal Allergies

Using capsules or tea leading up to and through allergy season may help to reduce seasonal allergy symptoms, including allergic rhinitis.

Arthritis and Joint Pain

Historically, nettle arthritis treatment includes oral use and urtication. Urtication means flailing the affected joints with the plant. Read more in the post, “Home Remedies for Arthritis“.

Helps Regulate Blood Sugar

Nettle leaves were used traditionally to help treat diabetes mellitus, and modern studies indicate that they may help type 2 diabetic patients improve glycemic control.

Prevent and Break Down Kidney Stones

Nettle has a long history of use for urinary tract health. Initial studies indicate that the bioactive phytochemicals in the plant may inhibit calcium and oxalate deposition and crystal growth.

Relieve Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate

Studies have shown that stinging nettle extract may help relieve symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), a common health problem for men over 60. It may be used alone or in combination with saw palmetto.
Rat studies have also shown an increase in testosterone with the use of Urtica dioica, but this has not been replicated in human trials.
nettle leaves

Other potential health benefits include:

  • Stopping bleeding
  • Antiseptic
  • Poultice with drawing action for external ulcers
  • Fresh juice used as toothache cure
  • Infused ointment for insect bites and stings, rashes, burns, hives and fungal infections. (The “sting” contains histamines, the juice contains antihistamines.)
  • Seeds act as a thyroid tonic and poison antidote
  • Endocrine gland tonic
  • Respiratory strengthener
  • Improve digestive health
  • Boost energy
  • Act as a gentle laxative
  • Improve lactation

Nettle Tea

Cover a tablespoon of dried leaf or crushed fresh leaves with a cup of boiling water. Let steep for 15 to 20 minutes, strain and drink. Sweeten with a bit of honey or maple syrup, if desired.
The tea can also be used as a hair rinse or massaged into the scalp to promote hair growth. For acne or other skin conditions, dab cooled tea onto the affected area.
jar of nettle tea infusing

Nettle Infusion (Like an Extra Strong Tea)

To make an infusion, simply pour one cup boiling water over one ounce dried chopped leaves (by weight), cover and steep 4 hours or overnight. Strain out plant material and drink. Refrigerate any leftovers and consume within 48 hours.
The books Backyard Medicine and Healing Wise  have a wonderfully detailed information on making and using nettle remedies.

Side Effects of Nettles

Always consult your health care provider if you are on any medications, nursing or pregnant.
Nettle may enhance the effect diuretic medications, and also increase excretion of lithium and other anti-depressant medications.
In the video below I show off our patch in spring.

Use Nettle in the Garden

Loaded with nutrients, nettle tea makes a great plant food. You can also add the leaves to yourcompost pile for some extra “oomph”.

Learn to Use Your Weeds

This post is part of the Weekly Weeder series, which is devoted to helping you use and manage wild plants.
Other posts in the series include:
Weekly Weeder at Common Sense Home - drying herbs
Originally posted in 2012, updated in 2019.

Scientists Have Proven That Negativity Literally Makes Cancer Grow Inside The Body

by DailyHealthPost Editorial April 21, 2019

Everybody feels negative emotions once in a while, but these emotions have a stronger effect on your health than you may realize. Every time you think about regrets, experience resentment or replay bad memories in your head, your body suffers just as much as your mind. That’s why harboring negative emotions can lead to devastating long-term disease.
But there is one simple solution: forgiveness. Trouble is, our culture seems to perceive forgiveness as a sign of weakness, submission, or both. This makes it harder to actually do the work to forgive people who’ve done you harm.

Clearing Negative Energy: Why It’s Worth It

According to The Greater Good Science Center, “psychologists generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness.” (1).
It’s important to stress that forgiveness is a process, not an event. That’s why there’s such a big difference between decisional forgiveness and emotional forgiveness.
Some researchers have described the distinction as such: “Decisional forgiveness is a behavioral intention to resist an unforgiving stance and to respond differently toward a transgressor. Emotional forgiveness is the replacement of negative unforgiving emotions with positive other-oriented emotions. Emotional forgiveness involves psychophysiological changes, and it has more direct health and well-being consequences.” (2).
As such, a study published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine found that a forgiving personality was related to better subjective well-being and psychological well-being (3).
In other studies, forgiveness was linked to improved physical symptoms, fewer medications used, better sleep quality, less fatigue, and fewer somatic complaints (4).
Plus, forgiveness has heart-protective properties. A study published in the American Journal of Cardiology found that anger and other negative emotions had cardiotoxic effects, while forgiveness has a more cardioprotective profile.
The researchers concluded: “These findings suggest that interventions aimed at decreasing anger while increasing forgiveness may be clinically relevant.” (5).

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Amish, who don’t get vaccinated, rarely get autism, cancer, or heart disease – coincidence?

Sunday, January 08, 2017 by: S.D. Wells

(Natural News) Do not talk about whether vaccines work or not, or whether or not they cause autism, unless you’re ready for a very heated debate. Although the link between vaccines and autism is nothing new, to even speak of it can get you labeled as an “anti-vaxxer” or a health fanatic of sorts by the sheeple (brainwashed masses) that believe every vaccine the CDC recommends not only works, but is 100% safe and 100% effective 100% of the time. Even if some vaccines work some of the time, are they worth the health risk? That is the ultimate question, because one statistic you may not know is that children who receive mercury-containing vaccinations (listed as thimerosal usually) are 27 times more likely to develop autism than those who don’t get those jabs. That comes from a recent study based on the CDC’s own data. Still want to keep it a hush-hush topic?

Pediatricians in America are not allowed to question vaccines at all, nor are they allowed to recommend less than the CDC recommends, or they face the wrath of the AMA – the infamous American Medical Association – that finds a way to shut down the “contenders,” sometimes even taking away their license to practice medicine. Big question: would the statistics of autism suddenly bottom out if mercury was removed from all vaccines, including flu shots? (By the way, the CDC lied when they said mercury has been removed from all vaccines).

Nary is a case of autism in the Amish communities of America

For starters, children are not born with autism. It appears during infancy or childhood, and is brought on by an overload of neurotoxins either consumed, injected or ingested from environmental factors, or all of the above. In fact, the recent autism spectrum disorder (ASD) spike over the past two decades in the USA directly coincides with the vaccine schedule increase, by quantity and frequency, enforced by the CDC. To understand why autism is next to non-existent for the Amish, consider that the Amish have been “cut off” from American scientific and medical “progress” for centuries, thus they’ve had less exposure to the major factors that trigger autism, including the most likely proponent–vaccines.
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Take a little trip to the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country and try to tag yourself even half a dozen Amish children with autism and you’ll come up short. If statistics matched our national average, there would be about 200 in the Amish community, but to date, there are only three, one of which was adopted and brought over from China. Go figure. Another one actually did get vaccinated and developed autism shortly afterwards. Go figure again.

Here are some universal and national statistics to consider. Autism affects over 20 million people around the world, and occurs in boys four to five times more often than girls. In the US, one in every 68 children has some form of ASD, a 30% increase from just 2012. Why is that, you’re asking yourself? United States kids get 50 inoculations before age seven, many that are combinations containing multiple disease strains, mercury, formaldehyde (yes, embalming fluid for the dead), monosodium glutamate (MSG) and aluminum, just to name a few neurotoxins. Flu shots contain the highest levels of mercury, up to 25,000 times what the EPA allows as a maximum in drinking water and edible fish. Mercury is the second most poisonous element know to mankind.

Due to religious beliefs, the Amish opt out of all vaccines

Fortunately for the Amish, they’re also opting out of three of the most controversial vaccines on the market today: hepatitis B, HPV (human papillomavirus) and of course, the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella combo) that was implicated in the CDC vaccine-autism-link and biggest medical cover-up in history, ever. Conflicting with CDC claims, the multi-dose version of hepatitis B still contains thimerosal (50% mercury). The immature central nervous systems and the liver of Amish newborns are spared this volatile toxin thanks to their parent’s religious beliefs. Amish children experience hardly any learning disabilities at all, in fact. Nor are the Amish experiencing typical US diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. This could all be because they don’t eat GMO, take chemical pharmaceuticals, or vaccines. Surely, no government run regulatory agency will ever run this comparison of Amish health vs. non-Amish health, but the reality speaks for itself.

Still, the CDC refuses to regulate the vaccine industry and instead literally promotes toxic chemicals, dangerous heavy metal toxins, carcinogens and lethal “preservatives” like mercury. It’s all about lifestyle and natural health these days, if you really want immunity that doesn’t come with a boatload of permanent and debilitating “side effects,” like autism spectrum disorder, Asperger’s syndrome or liver cancer.