Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Joy at the Presence of the Lord

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Readings for Today


Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, cried out in a loud voice and said, “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.” Luke 1:39–42

The beautiful feast we celebrate today depicts two miraculous pregnancies. One came about by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit. The other was the miraculous conception in the womb of a woman who was advanced in years. The Scripture passage quoted above presents us with the initial encounter of Mary and Elizabeth as they greeted each other upon Mary’s arrival. Mary had traveled a long distance to be with her cousin for the last few months of Elizabeth’s pregnancy. And upon greeting Elizabeth, another miraculous event occurred. The baby in the womb of Elizabeth, Saint John the Baptist, “leaped for joy.” Thus, even prior to his birth, John began to fulfill his unique mission of preparing the way for the Lord. He did so at that moment by inspiring his own mother, Elizabeth, with a knowledge of the divine presence of the Savior within the womb of Mary.

Consider, especially, the conversations that these two holy women would have shared during their months together. Though we are given only a small insight into their initial conversation from the Scriptures, we can be certain that this was but a small sampling of what they would have discussed in much prayerful detail. In particular, their conversations would have contained a mutual sharing of the spiritual gift of joy.

Joy is much more than an emotion. It is spiritual in nature. It is not only an experience of something fun, it’s the experience of realizing the action of God in your life. Seeing God at work in wonderful ways leads to gratitude and rejoicing. This joy produces a strength and energy that is contagious and uplifting.

We must all strive to see the hand of God at work in our own lives so that our focus upon His divine actions will produce joy also. We need joy. We need to be strengthened by this gift so that we will be encouraged and strengthened as we daily strive to fulfill His will.

Reflect, today, upon the witness of joy that these two holy women give us. Know that you are called to share in the same joy as you humbly turn your attention to the ways in which God has blessed you. If you find that you lack joy in life, then consider where you allow your mind to wander throughout the day. Do you dwell on the past, on hurts, on problems and the like? If so, these thoughts will undoubtedly lead to depression and possibly even despair. Try to turn your mind to the action of God in your life. See the many blessings you have been given and savor those divine actions. Doing so will lead you to rejoice with Saint Elizabeth and our Blessed Mother.

My holy infant Jesus, as You dwelt in the sacred womb of Your own dear mother, Your presence caused much rejoicing in her heart and in the hearts of Elizabeth and John. Help me to see Your presence in our world and in my life, so that I, too, will be filled with the joy of You constantly coming to me. Jesus, I trust in You.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

An Exchange of Gifts

May 30, 2023
Tuesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time
Readings for Today


Jesus said, “Amen, I say to you, there is no one who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel who will not receive a hundred times more…” Mark 10:29–30

Jesus’ statement above is in response to Peter who said to Him, “We have given up everything and followed you.” It was as if Peter were patting himself on the back, attempting to highlight just how much he and the other disciples had sacrificed to follow Jesus. And it was true, they did give up everything of their former life. They left home, their occupation, their relationships and everything that had been part of their daily established life in response to the call of Jesus. They were truly all in.

In hearing this statement from Peter, Jesus does not give the expected response. He doesn’t say to Peter, “Yes, you have, that’s very impressive Peter. Good job and thank you!” Instead, Jesus immediately explains to Peter that the sacrifice he and the others have made is worth it. Their unwavering commitment to follow Jesus would be repaid with gifts beyond their imagination. Thus, Jesus was saying that the gifts that He would bestow upon them would be exponentially greater than every sacrifice they made.

This was not a belittling of Peter’s self-sacrifice; rather, it was a form of encouragement by Jesus. He was encouraging Peter, and the other disciples, to have full confidence in their decision to follow Him. Their sacrifice would yield a hundredfold return. That is truly a good investment.

It can be tempting for us all, at times, to feel as though God asks too much of us. It’s true that God asks much of us. He asks everything from us. He asks for the complete and total gift of our lives to Him. He calls us to abandon all selfishness and to dedicate ourselves to His holy will without exception. But if we understand the reward of our self-giving, then the sacrifices we make will pale in comparison to the reward.

Reflect, today, upon whether or not you can say those words with the Apostle, Saint Peter: “Lord, I have given up everything to follow You.” Have you truly given your life completely to Christ Jesus? Are there things that you still hold back, not wanting to “sacrifice” for our Lord? Ponder those words of Peter and allow yourself to see the areas of your life you still need to surrender over to Jesus. And as you do so, allow the reward promised by our Lord to motivate you to the point that you truly hold nothing back and truly have given up everything to follow His holy will.

My generous Lord, You ask everything of me. You ask me to abandon everything in my pursuit of Your perfect will. Give me the grace I need to answer Your call and to live sacrificially for You without counting the cost. You are generous beyond description, dear Lord, and I trust that following You will produce an abundance of good fruit. Jesus, I trust in You.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Your Heavenly Mother

Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
Monday after Pentecost

Readings for Today


Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, your son."  Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother."  And from that hour the disciple took her into his home. John 19:25–27

The memorial we celebrate today, which was added to the Roman Liturgical Calendar in 2018 by Pope Francis, highlights the truth that the Blessed Virgin Mary is not only the Mother of the Person of Christ, and, therefore, the Mother of God, she is also the Mother of the Church, that is, the Mother of all the faithful. The Blessed Virgin Mary is your mother. And as your mother, she is truly tender, compassionate, caring and merciful, bestowing upon you everything that a perfect mother desires to bestow. She is the fiercest of mothers who will stop at nothing to protect her children. She is a mother wholly devoted to you, her dear child.

The Gospel passage chosen for this memorial depicts our Blessed Mother standing at the foot of the Cross. She would have been no other place than directly beneath her Son as He endured His last agony. She did not flee in fear. She was not overwhelmed by grief. She did not sulk in self-pity. No, she stood by her Son with the perfect love and strength of a devoted, caring, compassionate and faithful mother.

As she stood by her Son in His hour of suffering and death, Jesus turned to her and entrusted the Apostle John to her maternal care. From the early Church Fathers until the most recent teachings of the Church today, this act of entrusting John to Mary and Mary to John by Jesus has been understood as an entrustment of all the faithful to the maternal care of Mother Mary. Mother Mary is, therefore, not only the Mother of the Redeemer, Christ Himself, she also becomes the Mother of all the redeemed, the mother of us all, the Mother of the Church.

Consider the spiritual mother you have in Heaven. A mother is one who gives life. Your mother in Heaven is entrusted with the task of bestowing upon you the new life of grace won by the Cross. And as your mother, she will not withhold anything from you that is to your benefit. A mother is also one who is tender with her children. The Immaculate Heart of our mother in Heaven is one that is filled with the greatest tenderness toward you. Though her caresses are not physical, they are much deeper. She caresses with the tenderness of grace which she imparts to you as you pray and turn to her in your need. She gives you the grace of her Son, poured out upon the Cross as the blood and water sprung forth as a font of mercy. Mother Mary pours that mercy upon you as a tender and devoted mother would. She holds nothing back.

If you are unaware of the love in the heart of our Blessed Mother for you, use this memorial as an opportunity to deepen your understanding of her role in your life. Many children take their mothers for granted, not fully understanding the depth of their love. So it is with our Mother in Heaven. We will never fully comprehend her love and her constant motherly workings in our life until we join her in Heaven face to face.

Reflect, today, upon Mother Mary standing by you in every moment of your life. See her there in your joys and in your sorrows, during your moments of temptation and struggles, in your moments of confusion and clarity. See her there by your side, bestowing every good spiritual gift upon you when you need it the most. She is a true mother, and she is worthy of your love and gratitude.

My dearest Mother, you stood by your Son with unwavering fidelity and love. You cared for Him, nurtured Him and never left His side. I also am your dear child. I thank you for your loving fidelity toward me and open my heart to the grace of your Son that you bestow upon me throughout life. Help me to be more attentive to your motherly care and to daily grow in gratitude for your presence in my life. Mother Mary, pray for us. Jesus, I trust in You.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Age of the Holy Spirit

May 28, 2023

Solemnity of Pentecost Sunday  (Year A)

Readings for Pentecost


And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.  Acts 2:2–4

And with that, the Church was born. Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost which, in many ways, was the culmination of the mission of Christ. The pinnacle of His mission will come at the end of time when He returns in all His glory to judge the living and the dead and to establish His permanent Kingdom. But for now, we live under the rule of the Holy Spirit Who has descended upon us in full form, transforming us and making it possible to prepare for Jesus’ final and glorious coming.

The Trinity is truly a Mystery of Faith. In our limited way, we understand that God is Three in One. He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each a distinct Person. Each fully sharing in the one divine nature. Though They act in perfect unison, They each fulfill Their unique mission. The Father is the one Who sent the Son into the world and willed that He give His life for the salvation of all. The Son was sent and perfectly fulfilled the will of the Father, uniting humanity with divinity. The Holy Spirit is the Promise of Father and Son Who proceeds from Them and descends upon us, animating us and making it possible for us to share in the life of the Most Holy Trinity.

If that is hard to comprehend, it should be. Our limited intellects can only grasp a shadow of the reality of God. That fact, however, should not discourage us. On the contrary, it should inspire us to anticipate that day when we will see God face to face and enter more deeply into the mystery of His divine life.

Today we especially focus upon the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity: The Holy Spirit. It is an incredible gift we have been given to live in this age of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps you have thought to yourself that it would have been nice to live during the time that Jesus walked the earth. But Jesus Himself said that it was good that He go. Why? Because then He would send His Advocate, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, Who will lead you into all Truth. Thus, the age in which we now live, the age of the Holy Spirit, is the most blessed age the world has ever seen. This is because we are now able to receive the indwelling of the Most Holy Trinity by the power of the Holy Spirit. God is no longer spoken only through the prophets. He is no longer revealed only through the Person of the Son in Jesus Christ. He is now also able to live within us, making our very souls His dwelling place. Heaven and earth unite within our souls. There could be nothing greater than this.

As the Holy Spirit descends upon you, He brings the presence of the Father and the Son. They are inseparable. Therefore, as we prayerfully look within ourselves, we discover the Voice of the Father, leading us into His holy will. We discover the Person of the Son to Whom we are called to be conformed in every way, living as members of His very body on earth. This is made possible because the Holy Spirit descends upon us in a way similar to the way the Holy Spirit overshadowed our Blessed Mother, conceiving within her the Son of God. As the Holy Spirit overshadows us, God is conceived within our souls, and we begin to share in the very life of God here and now.

Reflect, today, upon these holy mysteries of our faith. See the actions of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as a true mystery. The only way we will be able to begin to probe these mysteries is through prayerful pondering. We must look for the workings of God within, see Him at work within our souls, savor His presence, rejoice in it and keep our eyes firmly fixed on Him. We must see the fruit of God’s presence in our lives, such as the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Below is a full list of these Gifts. Ponder them today. As you do, and as you see these Gifts within you, you will be seeing God Himself, the Holy Spirit, alive and living within the depths of your soul.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I worship You and adore You with all my Heart. Thank You, Father, for sending Your Son into the world. Thank You Father and Son for sending the Holy Spirit into my life. May I open my soul more fully to You today and every day so as to prepare for Your glorious return at the end of the ages. Jesus, I trust in You.

Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Fear of the Lord: With this gift, the Christian becomes keenly aware of anything that may hurt his/her relationship with God.  There is a holy “fear” of hurting this relationship, and grace is given to avoid these things at all cost.

Wisdom: With this gift, the Christian is given a special grace to “ponder divine realities” in his/her speculative reason.  We are able to see the big picture and know how best to be an instrument of peace and harmony in our world.

Understanding: This is the ability to have a supernatural assurance of the matters of faith.  Life makes sense.  We can make sense of the deeper parts of revelation, make sense of suffering and understand those things that tempt us to doubt.  With this gift, we come to see how everything in life can work for good in accordance with God’s plan.

Knowledge:  With this gift, the Christian knows, more in the practical intellect, what God’s will is in this or that situation.  We know how to live, how to discern God’s will and what decision to make in our daily lives.  It also enables us to learn from our past mistakes.

Counsel:  With this gift, the Christian sees him/herself as a link in a chain which makes up the entire Church.  God uses each one of us to help and support one another on our journeys.  We know what to say and how to act so as to do our part to build up one another.

Fortitude: Simply put, it is a firmness of mind and spirit to do good and avoid evil.  It’s a sort of Christian courage.  The Gospel will call all of us to a radical life of love.  Fortitude gives us the strength we need to follow through.

Piety:  This gift enables us to first reverence and love God, but also to see the dignity of one another and reverence each other as children of God.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Is Manila really as bad as Filipinos say?

Stephen Fletcher 

I have been visiting the Philippines every few months for the last 10 years, so feel I can give an objective unbiased answer.

Manila like every city in the world has its problems, it is overcrowded, with many living in poverty, has a woefully inadequate public transportation and road network . But is Manila really as bad as people say? No. Manila is a vibrant cosmopolitan city which welcomes visitors with open arms and a smile. The people are some of the friendliest and most welcoming in the world. Who will often go out of their way to help or assist. I have never felt threatened or in danger when walking the streets at any hour of the day or night.

Yes the road system is terrible, with such gems like the Malate one way system, which rather than improving traffic flow, funnels traffic down the narrower and narrower roads, which are already full of jeepneys! Till they are forced to stop at an intersection because no one will give way, at which time it becomes a contest to see who has the loudest horn! The road system has for it’s crowning glory EDSA. Which for most of the day, has vehicles reaching the dizzying speeds of 5–10kmh, and are shrouded in a strange blue grey haze of exhaust fumes. ( black if you are next to a provincial bus).

The MRT and LRT is an alternative and does provide an incredibly cheap way to get around the city, if you don’t have any luggage, and don’t mind being squeezed aboard like a sardine in a tin. But it's a great way to meet people, and a great way to get around the city to visit the malls or markets. But just remember to make your return journey before 9pm, for it is at this hour just as the malls are closing and staff and customers are forced to depart, that they find that the MRT and LRT has also closed! Forcing the travelling public to play the exclusive Manila game of hunt the taxi. During the day you can't walk more than 20m without a taxi pulling alongside trying to tempt you in. At 9pm finding an empty taxi is like big game hunting, you know they exist somewhere, but are so incredibly elusive, probably all stuck on EDSA.

If you can't find a taxi, you could find yourself lured into one of Manilas many bars , restaurants, and karaoke establishments. Here if you are lucky will find live entertainment being provided by one of Manila’s finest bands. Enjoy an evening of great music, a few beers and a meal for around 1500php (which is significantly less than the price of a couple of beers in London.)

Yes Manila has its problems, but it is these problems and the way that the people cope with them, which makes Manila the city that people love, and return to time after time.

Manila - 20 Million and Rising.

Are Jeepneys and private franchise taxis, buses, and tricycles the roots of congestion’s in the Philippines?

Stephen Fletcher

They are a significant part of the problem with congestion in the Philippines. It is not the jeepney, taxi or bus themselves which are the problem. It is a total lack of discipline and poor driving by the drivers of these and other vehicles, which are the problem.

In cities and areas where there are designated bus and jeepney lanes, these are ignored by the drivers who will drive in any lane, and stop anywhere in any lane to pick up and drop off passengers in any lane or junction and by doing so force all other traffic to squeeze past in the remaining lane or space.

A number of towns and Cities have introduced one way systems which rather than easing the flow of traffic and reducing congestion, actually makes the situation worse, by funnelling traffic down roads and into junctions which cannot cope with the number of vehicles.

In rural towns the congestion can be a result of tricylcles which seem to have no concept of driving rules at all and are often seen heading into the flow of traffic the wrong way, ignoring one way signs, and completing turns and maneuvers which make normal drivers slam on their brakes to avoid a collision. Congestion in rural towns is made worse by the constant stream of overloaded trucks which are crawling along at little more than walking pace, with a resultant queue of impatient drivers behind them.

In the big cities there is no viable alternative to the jeepney, vhire and taxi, as there is no affordable alternative form or public transport for the masses. Even in Manila where there is a minimal railway network, along with the LRT and MRT. These services are totally inadequate for the numbers of passengers wishing to travel be it for leisure or just to commute across the city for employment. The limited hours that these services operate only adds to road congestion, often the service has ended before the malls have closed, resulting in workers having to use alternative road transport to get home.

In many other countries metro systems operate late into the night or in some countries 24 hours a day. Operating the LRT or MRT in this manner would go some way to reducing congestion.

In the towns and cities there are often insufficient provision made for parking of vehicles and as a result vehicles are parked in roads or in positions which restrict the flow of traffic. resulting in further congestion.

At the end of the day it is the sheer size of the population, combined with a poorly organized and managed public transport system which when coupled with poor driving standards and in many cases a total disregard for traffic regulations, result in appalling congestion across the Philippines roads.

Why are so many French people all worked up about increasing the retirement age?

Tristan Ng

People around 50 to 60 barely find jobs, and are often replaced with younger folks. So not only are they forced to work longer, but because they cannot work they won’t be able to have a better retirement pension, if not worse. And people who had difficult jobs can barely keep up to 62. Currently, most of them are jobless and waiting for the maximum age for retirement (which is 67, if I recall correctly), living off social minima and in precarious situations.

I’m currently working in a museum that specializes in welcoming people who have difficulty accessing to cultural places due to their social, professional or personal background such as jobless people, disabled people, immigrants, people living in difficult neighbourhoods, people with limited income, etc by providing free entries to them. You’d be shocked how many elderly people come in and justifying their free entry by showing they live through social minima.

Many people (especially men) who work in difficult conditions (physical/manual work) barely live long enough to see retirement, considering those people also don’t have the best quality of life either in order to take care of their bodies as well as they should despite all the health care we can get.

It also handicaps women who often don’t get full careers due to childbirth, parenting, etc and are also discriminated against when applying for jobs.

As for younger people, if you start working young, you still have to work for an absurd amount of time (43 years) full time uninterrupted to be able to retire with a full pension.

With the current system, not only do they want to make you work two more years, but the motion requires you to have a full career, which is incredibly difficult for the majority of the population, in order to receive that full pension.

The only exceptions that manage to get a full career early on are the people from high social class, who get into a good company and manage to keep their position. Which, again, is not accessible to everyone and disadvantage women. Of course, some people from middle class can manage to get higher positions, but it is *unlikely*. Not impossible, but unlikely.

This motion will not only widen the economic gap between lower/middle class and higher class, but also widen the poverty threshold altogether, while profiting companies.

TLDR ; The age itself isn’t “that dramatic” but all of the small policies make it catastrophic for the working class, especially for people who already struggles which constitute the majority of the french population.

What are some fun things to do in Manila?

Stephen Fletcher

What are some fun things to do in Manila?

I spend around 6 months each year in the Philippines, much of that in Manila. Here are a few of my favourite things to do in this vibrant city.

  1. Visit Ocean Park, situated on the bay front close to Rizal park and Ermita. Here there are a number of aquatic exhibits and shows daily. Numerous stores and restaurants/ cafés so many make this a whole day experience. Numerous packages are available making this an affordable attraction.

2. Go for a Segway tour around Intramuros, these short and again affordable tours are great fun, a novel way to see the old city. White Knight Tours

3. Spend an evening watching a live band at one of the many bar/ restaurants scattered throughout the city. I generally watch my favourite band Side A, but when they are not performing there is always a live show somewhere. The most affordable for those on a budget are Padi’s Point where a few beers, snacks and live band can be less that 500php. Padi's Point Bar & Restaurant, But I am generally found in Historia Bar in Quezon City, Historia Boutique Bar and Restaurant, 12 Monkeys bar in Ortigas 12 Monkeys Music Hall & Pub (@12monkeysph) • Instagram photos and videos, or 19 East in Sucat, 19 East. Generally an evening of good music, good food and a few beers can be had for around 1000php.

4. Take a day visit to Corregidor Island, this Island is now a monument to the loses on all sides during WW2. Boat departs from Manila bay, just behind the Mall Of Asia early morning and return late afternoon, tour includes round trip ferry to the islands, tour of the island and lunch. There are additional charges for tour of the tunnels.

5. Go shopping, Manila has multiple large air-conditioned malls, where there are cinema, bowling, shopping and restaurants. Often the malls have sales which makes your money go further.

6. Go to a street market, head to Baclaren and walk through a street market which open every evening,

There are many many more activities and events being held throughout Manila, but the City is hot, Sweltering, Noisy And sometimes Claustrophobic. So consider day trips to the beach at Batangas, or Puerto Galera only a couple of hours from Manila. Or visit Taal volcano again only a couple of hours from Manila.