Friday, December 31, 2021

The Eternal Word Becomes Flesh

Friday, December 31, 2021
Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas
Readings for Today

Saint Sylvester I, Pope—Optional Memorial


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be.  What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.  John 1:1–5

On this, the seventh day of the Octave of Christmas, we are given a mystery.  The mystery of the “Word.”  It’s a language that is veiled and yet revealing at the same time.  It presents Jesus to us as the “Word.”  He is the Word who takes on flesh and is eternal, from “the beginning with God.”  The passage goes on to say that the Word was God and that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

The term “Word,” given to Jesus in this passage, is a translation of the Greek word “Logos.”  Logos means “plan,” “reason,” “logic.”  It also can be understood as the spoken word.  In this passage, it especially reveals to us that God “spoke” from eternity His perfect plan of salvation and this wisdom spoken is a Person.  The Person is the Divine Son of God.  Thus, when the Son “speaks” and when He is “spoken” by the Father, all things come to be.

Perhaps that’s quite confusing.  In fact, this is partly the point.  The point is that this beginning to John’s Gospel reveals to us that the action of God creating all things and ultimately fulfilling His wisdom through the Incarnation, the Son becoming flesh, is a mysterious plan far beyond what we could ever comprehend or fathom.  We should see this mysterious language as a statement in and of itself.  The statement is this:  Seek to understand the mystery, but know that the mystery of Christmas and Creation is beyond you.  But seek to understand and comprehend nonetheless.

Christmas should be a time of great joy and celebration.  It should be a time in which we reflect upon the nativity of Christ the Lord.  We should read the story, listen to Christmas music and not set that all aside until our Christmas season is over.  But as we do all of that, we should always keep before us the fact that Christmas is a great mystery of faith.

Reflect, today, upon this language of St. John.  “In the beginning was the Word…” “The Word was God…”  “The Word became flesh…”  Let yourself know, this day, that you do not fully know this mystery and as you face this reality, allow the Eternal Word to draw you in one step deeper as we continue to celebrate the glorious Octave of Christmas Day.

Lord, Jesus, Eternal Word of the Father, I thank You for coming among us and for making Your eternal dwelling present to us.  Thank You for the great mystery of Christmas.  Help me to always celebrate this season with great joy and gratitude, and also with a sense of mystery.  May I always realize that the mystery of Christmas will never be fully understood.  May this mystery draw me closer each and every day so that I may fall more deeply in love with You, my eternal God.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Prophetess Anna

Thursday, December 30, 2021
Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas
Readings for Today


There was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher.  She was advanced in years, having lived seven years with her husband after her marriage, and then as a widow until she was eighty-four.  She never left the temple, but worshiped night and day with fasting and prayer.  And coming forward at that very time, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem.  Luke 2:36–38

Today, the sixth day of the Octave of Christmas, we honor the prophetess Anna.  She, like Simeon whom we honored yesterday, spent her days in the temple worshipping God day and night.  She anticipated the coming Messiah and, by a personal and special revelation from God, recognized His presence as He was presented by Mary and Joseph.

How did Anna know that this was the Messiah?  How did she know that this little Child was the one whom all were awaiting?  Somehow she knew and she rejoiced in this knowledge.

What’s beautiful about Anna’s response is that she did not keep her joy to herself.  Rather, when she saw the Christ Child, she “spoke about the child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem.”  There is little doubt that her prophetic words were filled with joy and were also quite authoritative.  She would have spoken as one who knew the truth of this Child and as one who eagerly wanted to tell everyone about Him.

There is a great lesson for each one of us in Anna’s encounter with Jesus.  When You encounter our Lord in your life of faith and prayer, do you then eagerly desire to share your faith with others?  Perhaps it is by your words, but perhaps it’s more often by your witness.  

The bottom line is that the true meaning of Christmas must be shared.  It must be proclaimed far and wide so that all will understand the joy of the coming of the Savior of the World.  

Reflect, today, upon Anna the prophetess.  Try to imagine the joy in her heart as she spoke of this newborn King.  And pray that her joy and prophetic example will inspire you to continually proclaim the Lord to all whom God puts in your path.

Lord, may I always remember the reason for Christmas.  May I always keep the joy of Your coming among us at the center of my celebration.  You, dear Lord, are the greatest Gift ever given.  I thank You for Your life and I pray that You will help me to share the Gift of Yourself with others.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Simeon’s Prophecy

Wednesday, December 29, 2021
Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas
Readings for Today

Saint Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr—Optional Memorial


“Lord, now let your servant go in peace; your word has been fulfilled: my own eyes have seen the salvation which you prepared in the sight of every people, a light to reveal you to the nations and the glory of your people Israel.”  Luke 2:29–32

On this, the fifth day of the Octave of Christmas, we are given the witness of the prophet Simeon.  This holy man was promised by God by a personal revelation that he would actually see, with his own eyes, the Savior of the World.  Throughout his life he would have anticipated this moment.  He would have longed for it and hoped for it.  And then, one day the moment came.  Simeon would have woken up that day, going about his normal routine like any other day.  However, the moment that Mary and Joseph brought their newborn Child into the temple, Simeon knew in his heart that this Child was the promised Savior.

His words are powerful.  He says, “Lord, now You can let Your servant go in peace…for my eyes have seen the salvation You have prepared…”  In other words, Simeon realized that his life was now complete.  He was ready to die because he had now been privileged to actually see the Christ.  He held Jesus in his arms and gave glory to the Father for this moment.

We should strive to learn from holy Simeon.  No, we are not a prophet in the Temple some 2,000 years ago, but we are privileged to see the Christ each day in numerous ways.  The Child Simeon held was God indeed.  But He was God under the veil of the flesh of a little Child.  Simeon, nonetheless, saw Him for who He was and rejoiced.

We must strive to perceive the presence of the Savior all around us and rejoice with Simeon’s joy.  Christ is present in every heart that is given to God, every Sacrament of the Church, every reading of the Holy Scripture, and He is especially present to us within our hearts.  Our hearts must be that temple in which we discover the presence of the Christ Child and we must take Him into our lives rejoicing in how close He is.  

Reflect, today, upon that scene of Simeon taking the Child into his hands and seeing the Savior under the veil of the flesh and bones of this Infant.  Seek out Christ in the same way that Simeon did and ponder the many ways that He is present to You.  Know that He is near and that He wants to fill your life with His peace.

Lord, I thank You for the great witness of Simeon the Prophet.  Thank You for Your fidelity to Simeon in letting him see You as a little Child.  May I always imitate his great faith and seek You all my life, waiting for You to come to me in veiled ways so that my heart may rejoice in Your presence.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

From Tragedy to Glory

Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Holy Innocents, Martyrs—Feast
Fourth Day of the Octave of Christmas
Readings for Today


When Herod realized that he had been deceived by the magi, he became furious.  He ordered the massacre of all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had ascertained from the magi.  Matthew 2:16

Today on the fourth day of the Octave of Christmas, we are given a similar witness to the one we received on December 26, the Feast of the Martyrdom of St. Stephen.  But today’s feast presents the same evil in a different and even more tragic light.  Here, out of envy and hatred, Herod had countless innocent children killed in an attempt to eliminate Jesus, the newborn King.  

We can only imagine the grief that would have filled the town of Bethlehem and its vicinity as the soldiers went through killing those innocent children as their parents watched helplessly.  On one hand, it’s shocking to know that God permitted this.  On the other hand, on a level of deep faith, we must strive to understand the witness that these innocent children gave.

Though this was an unspeakable crime and evil, from the perspective of eternity, it will be sorted out by God.  In Heaven and forevermore, these innocent victims will wear the martyr’s crown and will be honored by the angels and saints as the first witnesses to the newborn King.  Though this may not have eased the pain at the time, it will certainly transform the pain those families felt as they enter into the justice of Heaven.

Their witness reveals to us much about our own lives.  It reveals that there are many times in life when things are simply not fair and not just.  The massacre of these innocent children is a powerful reminder of this fact.  But one thing we must hold on to is that God will right every wrong in the end.  Today, we celebrate a solemn feast in the honor of these children as a way of saying that God has transformed this tragedy into something glorious.  

The same is true with each one of us.  Whatever your “tragedy” may be, know that the Son of God entered our world, taking on our fallen human nature, so that He could make all things right.  

Reflect, today, upon that which is most painful for you this Christmas season.  Whatever it may be, you are invited to unite your hurt and pain today with the sorrow of the families who lost these little ones.  Let God do for you what He ultimately did for all of them.  Let His Incarnation, death and Resurrection transform your hurt into a crown of martyrdom.  In the end, the Lord will be victorious in your life if you let Him.

Lord, I surrender all hurt, pain and confusion to You.  I unite myself, this day, with the sorrow of those who lost these little children and I trust that their lives, as they reign now in Heaven with You, are a sign for me of things to come.  Your birth into our world was the greatest sign that You are our Savior and that You can turn all things into good.  Jesus, I entrust my life to You and know that You will right every wrong.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Contemplating the Eternal Word

Monday, December 27, 2021
Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist—Feast
Third Day of the Octave of Christmas
Readings for Today


Beloved: What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we looked upon and touched with our hands concerns the Word of life—for the life was made visible; we have seen it and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life that was with the Father and was made visible to us—what we have seen and heard we proclaim now to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; for our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.  We are writing this so that our joy may be complete.  1 John 1:1–4

This, the third day of the Octave of Christmas, is dedicated to St. John.  St. John is particularly important to honor during Christmas because of the fact that so much of what we know about our Divine Lord comes from him.  Not only did he write one of the four Gospels, he also wrote various letters that are preserved.  The letter above was from the first reading of the Mass for today.

In this letter, John echoes what he wrote in the first chapter of his Gospel when he spoke of the Eternal Word, existing from the beginning, taking on flesh.  Here, he echoes that “What was from the beginning…was made visible to us.”  Namely, the Eternal Son of the Father took on flesh for us to see.  John was a witness to this.

As we honor St. John, it’s good to try to look at Christmas from his perspective.  He would have been able to ponder the great mystery of the Incarnation of God throughout his life.  He would have pondered the reality that this man whom he came to know personally and intimately existed from before time and was a member of the Most Holy Trinity.  For John, the Incarnation would have been particularly real and overwhelming in a personal and transforming way.

Try to look at Jesus from the perspective of John.  But look, especially, at the Incarnation from John’s perspective after Jesus had ascended to Heaven and sent the Holy Spirit.  For decades afterwards, John dedicated his life to the spreading of the Good News.  He dedicated his life to pondering the great mystery, by allowing himself to see more clearly that the human being with whom he walked and talked was both God and man.  He would have never fully exhausted this great mystery and would have continually been in awe of what he experienced.  

Furthermore, John would have been blessed to continue “touching” the presence of the God-Man every time he celebrated the Holy Eucharist.  Little by little he would have understood that Jesus was fully present to him through this gift.

Reflect, today, upon this great Apostle.  Offer a prayer of thanksgiving for his deeply insightful writings, and try to enter into his mind and heart as he prayerfully reflected upon Jesus throughout his life.  He is a gift to the Church for which we enter into gratitude today.

Lord, You are glorious and beyond my understanding.  Your divine presence in this world is truly mysterious and awe-inspiring.  Thank You for coming among us and thank You for revealing Yourself to us through the writings of St. John the Apostle.  May I come to know You more deeply through all that he has written and may I always imitate his example of a beloved disciple.  St. John, pray for us.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Honoring the Holy Family

December 26, 2021
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Sunday in the Octave of Christmas
Readings for Today


He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them; and his mother kept all these things in her heart.  And Jesus advanced in wisdom and age and favor before God and man.  Luke 2:51–52 (Gospel from Year C)

On this, the Sunday within the Octave of Christmas, we honor the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  In honoring them, we also honor all families, big or small.  And in honoring all families, we honor the family of God, the Church.  But most especially, we focus in on the hidden, day-to-day life of the Holy Family of Nazareth.

What was it like to live day in and day out in the household of St. Joseph?  What was it like to have Jesus for a son, Mary as a wife and mother, and Joseph as a father and husband?  Their home would have certainly been a sacred place and a dwelling of true peace and unity.  But it would have also been so much more.

The family home of Jesus, Mary and Joseph would have been, in numerous ways, just like any other home.  They would have related together, talked, had fun, disagreed, worked, eaten, dealt with problems, and encountered everything else that makes up daily family life.

Of course, the virtues of Jesus and Mary were perfect, and St. Joseph was a truly “just man.”  Therefore, the overriding characteristic of their home would have been love.  

But with that said, their family would not have been exempt from daily toil, hurt and challenges that face most families.  For example, they would have encountered the death of loved ones, St. Joseph most likely passed away prior to Jesus’ public ministry.  They would have encountered misunderstanding and gossip from others.  Our Blessed Mother, for example, was found with child out of wedlock.  This would have been a topic of discussion among many acquaintances for sure.  They would have had to fulfill all daily chores, earn a living, put food on the table, attend gatherings of family and friends and the like.  They would have lived normal family life in every way.

This is significant because it reveals God’s love for family life.  The Father allowed His Divine Son to live this life and, as a result, elevated family life to a place within the Trinity.  The holiness of the Holy Family reveals to us that every family is invited to share in God’s divine life and to encounter ordinary daily life with grace and virtue.

Reflect, today, upon your own family life.  Some families are strong in virtue, some struggle with basic communication.  Some are faithful day in and day out, some are broken and deeply wounded.  No matter the case, know that God wants to enter more deeply into your family life just as it is right now.  He desires to give you strength and virtue to live as the Holy Family.  Surrender yourself and your family, this day, and invite the Triune God to make your family a holy family.

Lord, I do offer myself to You this day and in doing so I offer You my family.  I offer every relationship, be it good or difficult, and I offer every challenge we face.  Please come and sanctify my family, making it holy in imitation of your family in Nazareth.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Solemnity of Christmas Day

Readings for Today


The angel said to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.  For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord.  And this will be a sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.”  And suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”  Luke 2:10–14

Glory to God in the highest!  The celebration of the glorious birth of Christ the Lord has begun…Merry Christmas!

Try to put yourself in the shoes of these shepherds.  Little excitement would have regularly come their way.  They were poor, simple shepherds who spent their days and nights tending the sheep of the fields.  That night, a group of them had gathered together for camaraderie.  It’s easy to imagine the scene of normal talking, laughing and being together.  Little did they realize what was about to happen.

As they were gathered, an angel of God appeared to them announcing “good news of great joy!”  They must have been stunned.  But that’s only the beginning.  The angel announced that the Savior of the World had been born and then, much to their surprise, they witnessed the whole host of heavenly angels singing praises: “Gloria in excelsis Deo!”  “Glory to God in the highest!”

These humble shepherds were the first to be called by God to go and greet the newborn King.  What’s amazing is that God did not first call the “important” of the age to come worship.  He called these poor shepherds.

One thing this tells us is that, in the eyes of God, all are equal.  God does not pick favorites from among those who are seen as important in the eyes of the world.  No, He sees the great value and dignity of each and every person and desires all of us, rich or poor, powerful or weak, to come to Him in adoration and love.

Christmas is a time filled with many exciting things.  Often there are gifts and gatherings, food and good times.  But more than anything else, Christmas must be seen as a time for us to step back and take in the deep and rich meaning of this sacred event.  We must see, first, that God entered our human condition and, in doing so, is able to identify with all that we experience in life.  God understands human life!  He lived it.

Second, we must understand that the birth of the Savior of the World and His appearance to shepherds reveals that each and every one of us is invited to come and meet Him.  God humbled Himself in the most profound way so that we could come to know Him and His perfect love for us.  “Do not be afraid,” as the angel said, to come and behold the Christ who came as your Savior.  Do not be afraid to come to meet Him, love Him, adore Him and get to know Him.  God is given to us, today, as an infant.  Small, weak, fragile and innocent.  Do not be afraid to gaze upon His humble presence and to give glory to God for His blessed coming.

Lord, I love You and adore You.  I thank You for the unfathomable gift of Your divine presence among us.  I thank You, especially, for the invitation You offer me to join the poor shepherds as they come to adore You.  May this Christmas celebration be one in which I understand, more deeply, the incredible love You have for all Your children.  May I know that You came for me, to save me and to invite me to worship.  May I, this day, enter into that worship and adoration with all the Heavenly Host.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Zechariah Proclaims His Faith

Friday, December 24, 2021
Advent Weekday – Mass in the Morning
Readings for Morning Mass


“You, my child, shall be called prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way, to give his people knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins. In the tender compassion of our God the dawn from on high shall break upon us, to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the way of peace.”  Luke 1:76–79

This song of praise from Zechariah is spoken once his tongue is loosed after manifesting faith in the birth of his son John.  And in this particular song of praise, Zechariah gives glory to God as he manifests not only his faith, but also the fruit of his faith: deep, clear, articulate and insightful knowledge of the workings of the Father in Heaven.

Zechariah speaks truths that could only be known by him through the gift of faith.  There is little doubt that his long exile of silence, after being struck mute by the Angel Gabriel, resulted in him seeking, hearing and understanding the mystery that was before him.  He came to realize that his little child was the one who would prepare the immediate way for the Lord.  He came to understand this baby’s singular prophetic role in the salvation of the world.  He saw his son as the “dawn” which was to announce the rising Sun.

So much happened to Zechariah in these months of suffering.  The Lord worked on him and enabled him to offer this prayer of praise that is sung daily by priests and religious throughout the world.  Zechariah truly fulfilled his mission by getting back up on his feet after his fall.

The same must happen with each one of us.  It would have been easy for Zechariah to turn to anger and despair.  He could have easily lost hope and felt abandoned by God.  But he didn’t.  He waited on the fidelity of God and, when his time came, he spoke this beautiful and faith-filled song of praise.

Reflect, today, upon how God wants you to imitate the faith and perseverance of Zechariah.  It would be easy to look down on him for doubting.  But God did not do this.  Instead, He gave him a chance to honor Him through the ages with this song.  Seek the ways that God also wants to work through your failures of the past.  Offer them to Him and trust that He will manifest His almighty power through you as you seek to imitate the example of this holy man.

Lord, I offer You my past and all the ways that I have failed to trust in You.  I give You my weakness, my pride and my frustration.  I surrender all sin to You and give myself to You completely so that You may do with me as You will.  May Your grace be at work in me and may I, like Zechariah, sing forever the glory of Your holy name.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Zechariah Returns to Faith

Thursday, December 23, 2021
Advent Weekday
Readings for Today

Saint John of Kanty, Priest—Optional Memorial


So they made signs, asking his father what he wished him to be called.  He asked for a tablet and wrote, “John is his name,” and all were amazed.  Immediately his mouth was opened, his tongue freed, and he spoke blessing God.  Luke 1:62–64

Our beautiful story continues as we grow closer to our Christmas Day celebration of the Birth of Christ.  Today we once again reflect upon the person of Zechariah, the father of Saint John the Baptist.  We recall how God blessed him and Elizabeth with this miraculous pregnancy at an old age after being barren.  The Angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah in the temple to reveal this glorious event, but Zechariah received it with disbelief.  The result was that he was struck mute until this, the day of his birth.

Today’s Gospel reveals how Zechariah untied the knot of his disbelief.  He did so by following the command of the angel to name the child “John.”  Traditionally, their first born would be named Zechariah after his father.  But God had picked the name “John” and, therefore, both Zechariah and Elizabeth are given the opportunity to embrace and manifest their faith by accepting the name given to their child by God.

In a sense, we can say that Zechariah “righted his wrong.”  He righted it by making the choice of faith and acting on it.  This is a great witness for all of us because all of us have failed in faith in one way or another.  In the case of Zechariah, God punished him severely, stripping away his ability to speak.  But what we see today is that this “stripping” of Zechariah’s speech was not done primarily as a punishment, but so that God could manifest His glory through Zechariah’s manifestation of his faith.  People are “amazed” at Zechariah as he fulfills this act of faith and names his newborn child “John.”  Thus his suffering is now a manifestation of the glory of God!

In all of our lives, we can regularly point to failures of faith.  Sometimes, God sees fit to impose a severe “punishment” upon us as a result.  We may endure some suffering or hardship for our failure to heed His voice wholeheartedly.  But know that any “punishment” from God is not primarily a result of his wrath.  Rather, most often the consequences of any lack of faith is permitted by God because He has something greater in mind.  In this case, it was so that He could loose the tongue of Zechariah at the proper moment so that he could glorify God with great faith.  In our lives, we should look for Him to do the same.

Reflect, today, upon any hardship you have endured as a result of your own weakness, sin or lack of faith.  Do not see any hardship as a punishment in the normal sense of that word.  Rather, see it as an opportunity through which God is calling you to give Him even greater glory.

Lord, I know I lack faith in my life.  I fail to believe all that You speak to me.  As a result, I often fail to put Your words into action.  Dear Lord, when I suffer as a result of my weakness, help me to know that this and all suffering can result in giving glory to You if I renew my faith.  Help me, like Zechariah, to return to You always, and use me as an instrument of Your manifest glory.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Great Joy of Our Blessed Mother

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Advent Weekday

Readings for Today


“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior.  For he has looked upon his lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his Name.”  Luke 1:46–49

This song reveals the joy in the heart of the Mother of God.  She humbly acknowledges the great things God has done for her and expresses her deepest joy.

It’s interesting to note that both her “soul” and her “spirit” are mentioned in this song of praise.  Her soul “proclaims” and her spirit “rejoices.”  What does this reveal?

In part, it reveals both an action of her own and an action of God.  Our Blessed Mother’s “soul” refers to all of her human abilities within her mind, will, emotions and desires.  It’s what makes her human.  And with those human capacities she proclaims God’s greatness.  In other words, with her mind she perceives God’s greatness, with her will she acknowledges and chooses to proclaim His greatness, and she does so with all of her feelings, emotions and desires.  Her whole being was consumed with the greatness of God!

It also reveals that within her “spirit,” she was filled with the glorious gift of joy.  As she proclaimed the greatness of God, the Holy Spirit flooded her and produced this spiritual fruit.  Joy comes from God actively working within our lives.  It’s a fruit of the Holy Spirit and our Blessed Mother had this gift in its fullness.

Reflect, today, upon your own soul and spirit.  Do you imitate the perfect example of our Blessed Mother as she seeks to know, love and proclaim the greatness of God with her whole being?  And do you allow the Holy Spirit to flood your spirit with joy?  Ask our Blessed Mother to pray for you as we approach Christmas.  Ask for the grace to “proclaim” and “rejoice” with her at the coming celebration of the birth of her Divine Son so that you, too, may sing her song of praise!

Dearest Mother, you offer us the perfect example of how to live as a faithful and humble servant of the Most High God.  You proclaimed His greatness with your whole being and were filled with joy at His coming.  Help me, by your powerful intercession, to imitate your faith and to love God with my whole being.  Mother Mary, pray for me.  Jesus, I trust in You.