Friday, November 01, 2019

32 Top Tips To Improve Memory

I first became really interested in the mysteries of memory many years ago, when I learned of the incredible feats of “memory masters” – who appeared to have superhuman memorization abilities.
I was surprised to learn that in many cases, it is not so much that they have a prodigious capacity for sheer “data storage”, but that they have learned to take advantage of the brain’s innate structure to full advantage.
For example, did you know that visual memory has a much greater portion of the brain “allocated” to it than other memory types – and that you can employ this natural power that you already have to improve your memory greatly?
The classic example given is that of a shopping list. Try this: Instead of attempting to memorize a basic shopping list, imagine walking into a room, and seeing clearly the items laid out on a table in front of you.
Then when you get to the store, recall the memory of walking into the room, and look on the table.
Give it a go! You’ll find it much easier than attempting to memorize a string of words with no specific visual connotation. If you doubt this, consider how much easier it is to remember a face than a name! Our memories are visually-oriented.
So the memory masters, utilizing these innate qualities of the brain to best effect, would do things like for example memorizing a simple set of objects that are “permanently pegged” to each of the numbers, starting with ten but gradually extending this system so that they had for example perfectly memorized 100 objects, one for each of the numbers 0 to 99. Then by creating visual sequences of these easier-to-memorize objects, they could memorize incredibly long numbers with ease, astounding people with their “total recall” ability.
This technique can also be applied to remembering names, strings of letters or even complex codes – always using the same “key code” of a simple set of objects that correspond to the basic word and number building blocks. Once you have the basic system down, it can be used to remember anything you wish to remember. You too have this astonishing natural ability – it’s just that no-one ever taught you how to use it!
Fascinating stuff, don’t you think? It’s a kind of “inner cryptography” for your own mind. ðŸ˜‰
Ok, here is our “master list” of resources for you which can help improve memory:
1. Here’s a great article which contains a list and tutorial for 20 tips to improve memory
2. We have a page called 10 Herbs For Memory which lists ten of the herbs thought to be most valuable. Of these our ‘top picks’ are Rosemary and Gingko Biloba.
3. We discovered a fascinating substance – Galantamine – a substance extracted from the Snowdrop and a few other flowers. Interestingly, it has been theorized that the Snowdrop may have been the flower given by Odysseus to his men to restore their memory in Homer’s epic from Ancient Greece. Galantamine has been studied and found to be an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor – and it turns out that for this reason it has significant potential as an anti-Alzheimer’s agent! According to life extension scientist Will Block, it may even have an edge over other anti-Alzheimer’s agents. [1] It also turns out that galantamine has gained a reputation for its ability to assist with the practice of lucid dreaming – however please note that there have been some side effects noted and it may not be safe for all: Here is a very detailed article on galantamine.
4. I just discovered a fascinating supplement available on called “Neuro Optimizer” and I’m really keen to check it out. I haven’t tried this yet, but it is getting some really good reviews from people saying that it is helping them with mental clarity. It contains neuro-nutrients and protectants thought to assist with several aspects of brain function. This product seems amazing and I’m really keen to try it out soon. If you are curious to investigate, here is the link where you can read the reviews and purchase. (Note – this is my Amazon affiliate link.)
5. A final useful tip is to think of “the brain as a muscle”. In other words, it needs a workout in order to remain strong. “Use it or lose it” applies to neural pathways and the ones that are not used, fade away whereas the ones you use habitually are reinforced. As we get older it’s important to keep challenging ourselves to think and do “mental exercises” which utilize recall.
What do you do to keep your memory sharp? Got any other tips? Please let us know on our Facebook page or in the comments. ðŸ™‚
[1] Block, W. Aug 2004. If Only Galantamine Could Talk …

7 HUGE Reasons To Avoid Antibiotic Overuse

The “age of antibiotics” began with the discovery of penicillin by Fleming in 1929, which led to the mass production and widespread availability of the “do-it-all” drug that is often regarded as a cure-all for any infection… fed to animals as part of their diet and with doctors often prescribing them “just in case”. [1]
As a result, antibiotics are now regarded as “the world’s most overprescribed medicine” but it’s important to note that they are not without side effects and potentially serious dangers – as you will see from the report below.

7 Huge Reasons To Avoid Antibiotic Overuse:

1. “Collateral Damage” To Good Bacteria
Antibiotics are used with the intention of targeting bad bacterial infections but in reality, broad-spectrum antibiotics don’t discriminate between bad and good bacteria. Good bacteria, especially in the intestinal tract, are essential in maintaining a healthy balance in the body and antibiotics can play havoc with the body’s natural balance of bacteria, potentially allowing bad bacteria to recolonize and “run the show” – leading to stomach upsets and potentially more serious conditions.
Scientific studies have found evidence that when you take antiobiotics, there are risks of other health problems. [2][3][4] Several studies have also linked the presence of select strains of bacteria to healthy body growth and development, mental health (astonishingly) and overall well-being.
It’s possible that intestinal trouble could go on for years after antibiotic use and many people complain of this – however there may be a solution: A practice worth considering would be the use of probiotics, especially after a course of antibiotics. Consult your doctor about probiotics, they are regarded as suitable for many people but there are some cases in which they are contraindicated; notably if there is some damage to the intestines i.e. ulcer, which could potentially permit the bacteria into parts of the body where they should not be.
2. Increased Risk Of Autoimmune Intestinal Disease
Disease can only take hold of the body if its immune system isn’t functioning properly. Antibiotics can upset the normal equilibrium of the body, affecting the body’s immune system. A damaged immune system can lead to an autoimmune disorder or the development of a chronic disease or infection.
Autoimmune diseases are conditions where the body’s immune system starts targeting itself other major organ systems of the body. Scientific understanding as to why this happens is incomplete, but alterations in the body’s equilibrium may have a big role to play in the disease process. A study published in 2006 discovered that changes made to the intestinal tissue (specifically increased permeability which can be caused by an imbalance of bacterial presence in the intestines) is a common factor among several autoimmune conditions like Chron’s and Celiac disease. [5]
3. Higher Incidence Of Asthma And Allergies
Brochial asthma is a relatively common condition that is life-threatening if managed poorly. An asthma attack can even be fatal if a person comes into contact with a severe trigger. However, in a study published in 2009, antibiotic use, especially in infancy, has been associated with a higher incidence of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema in school age children. The next time you give your child antibiotics, think clearly of what this means for their future health. [6]
When people are prescribed very strong antibiotics, it is part of the diagnostic phase to include liver function tests to set a baseline. This is because antibiotics are dangerous to the liver. Antibiotics have been found to damage liver tissue and can cause liver function test values (AST and ALT) to rise. Azithromycin, an antibiotic widely available in most pharmacies, has been directly linked to liver injury – with abnormal liver function tests revealed as early as two-weeks after the start of antibiotic treatment. [7]
5. Increased Cancer Risk
A nationwide study in Finland compared data of long term antibiotic users with cancer patients, looking for a correlation. The study’s results suggest that chronic use of prescribed antibiotics increased the risk (by as much as 1.5 times) for prostatebreastlungcolonovary, endocrine, skin, thyroid, and kidney cancers in both men and women. [8]
6. Weight Gain
You might think that the links between antibiotic use and weight gain are a stretch but you would be mistaken. We often think that the only cause of weight gain is poor diet and exercise but the medications you take may also have a hand in it. Studies published in 2014 and 2015 positively associated antibiotic use to abnormal weight gain in infants and children. [9][10]
7. Development Of Superbugs
Chronic use of antibiotics (especially if you don’t follow the prescription of a physician) can actually build up bacterial resistance to certain drugs. When a bacterium is continually exposed to a specific drug, it becomes resistant to it, which is why we have a rise in MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and MDR TB (Multi-drug resistance Tuberculosis) cases. Read our full report on the predicted rise in fatalities from untreatable infections (immune to all manufactured antibiotics).
While we cannot for legal reasons make any sort of medicinal recommendation, naturopaths / herbalists have a wide array of herbs to choose from that have natural antibiotic qualities that may provide support for various conditions. For example, garlic has been found in lab tests to be 100x as effective as antibiotics in cases of bacterial food poisoning.
Here’s a great book exploring this topic in full: Herbal Antibiotics: Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-resistant Bacteria (Amazon link)
NOTE: This article is not medical advice nor a substitute for professional medical consultation. For legal reasons we do not advise self-diagnosis or self-medication.
[1] Aminov, R. (2010). A Brief History of the Antibiotic Era: Lessons Learned and Challenges for the Future.
[2] Zhou, L. & Foster, J. (2015). Psychobiotics and the gut-brain axis: in the pursuit of happiness.
[3] Schmidt, K., et. al. (2014). Prebiotic intake reduces the waking cortisol response and alters emotional bias in healthy volunteers.
[4] Clarke, G., et. al. (2014). Priming for health: gut microbiota acquired in early life regulates physiology, brain and behaviour.
[5] Arrieta, M., Bistritz, L. & Meddings, J. (2006). Alterations in intestinal permeability.
[6] Foliaki, S., et. al. (2009). Antibiotic use in infancy and symptoms of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema in children 6 and 7 years old: International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood Phase III.
[7] Martinez, M., et. al. (2015). Clinical and histologic features of azithromycin-induced liver injury.
[8] Kilkkinen, A., et. al. (2008). Antibiotic use predicts an increased risk of cancer.
[9] Saari, A., et. al. (2015). Antibiotic exposure in infancy and risk of being overweight in the first 24 months of life.
[10] Angelakis, E., et. al. (2014). Abnormal weight gain and gut microbiota modifications are side effects of long-term doxycycline and hydroxychloroquine treatment.