Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Philippine Media turns Reed Bank collision incident into a bad reality TV circus

As usual, the media again got ahead of the right agencies authorised to do a proper investigation of the Reed Bank incident involving a Chinese vessel and a Filipino fishing boat. Not only that, they had hijacked the people and circumstances surrounding it to claim exclusive rights to what had become a perverse reality TV show.
In an astounding display of this perverse dramatisation, Lani Insigne wife of Junel, captain of the fishing boat that was allegedly rammed by a Chinese vessel at Reed Bank was somehow caught on video on the phone telling her husband not to proceed with a meeting with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. How the media came to be so ready to capture that moment attests to their predatory ways.

News cameras seem to have been locked and loaded for a scoop in time to video Lanie telling husband Junel Insigne to desist from seeing President Duterte.

Instead of informing the public, Philippine news media, it seems, is bent on inflaming an already explosive situation and turn Reed Bank into an international flash point.
There are so many conflicting reports about the boat sinking incident involving Filipino fishermen and a Chinese vessel. This is why it is wise to stay calm and let the facts come in first before condemning anyone.

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