Friday, October 11, 2019

Health Benefita Of Aloe Vera

This article on Aloe vera is limited only to the discussion of the topical (external application to the skin) health benefits of aloe vera. The oral (by mouth) application of aloe vera is not discussed due conflicting reports on whether or not there are harmful effects of the oral application of aloe vera.

Today, aloe vera is more than just a house plant décor. Today, aloe vera can be found in many processed skin products displayed in supermarts, boutiques and drugstores with aloe vera as the main ingredient – like lotions, gels, creams, and sunblocks.

Let me share some information about the home remedy uses of aloe vera (Reference: various Internet reports and other publications about aloe vera):

Do you know that aloe vera is used for the treatment of hair-related problems like baldness, dandruff, and thinning and falling hair. For baldness, the fresh aloe vera juice or sap are massaged to the affected scalp and to wait for at least 30 minutes before washing the hair;

Do you know that aloe vera contains chemical similar to keratin, the primary protein of hair that repairs dead skin cells on the scalp and promote hair growth;

Do you know that aloe vera applied/rubbed to the stomach of a woman who delivered can prevent the scarring and stretch marks – an after effect of delivering a baby;

Do you know that aloe vera gel can shrink warts? And more… aloe vera gel if applied directly to the affected skin can provide relief and improve healing in skin burns, scalds, scrapes, sunburn, wounds, and psoriasis. Many other skin diseases are also healed/cured by aloe vera gel/juice like black and blue bruises, rashes and eczema which can disappear with the skin application of aloe vera gel;

Do you know that aloe vera gel can reverse signs of aging skin and wrinkles;

Do you know that aloe vera gel is a cheap home remedy for athlete’s foot? Likewise, the aloe vera gel can decrease pigmentation and dark spots;

Do you know that aloe vera gel can take the sting out of insect bites;

Do you know that aloe vera gel is an effective antidote to allergic skin reactions;

Do you know that topical application of aloe vera may also be effective for treating genital herpes;

Do you know that aloe vera is an effective face moisturizer and pain reliever. Aloe vera can keep one’s skin clear and hydrated because the plant’s leaves store water. The water-dense leaves combined with the special plant compounds called complex carbohydrates makes aloe vera an effective moisturizer and pain reliever;

Do you know that aloe vera can prevent pimples and treat acne.

There are many other home remedy uses of aloe vera by applying the gel to the skin (topical).

What is unbelievable is that there are many more people taking aloe vera gel orally as a medicine despite the warning of many researchers that the oral use of aloe vera gel is toxic. There are those who even drink aloe vera juice to relieve them of gastrointestinal disorders like indigestion. While others take aloe vera gel orally to prevent constipation; to ease urinary tract infections and prostate problems. Finally, there are those who take aloe vera orally to relieve them of heartburn, arthritis, and rheumatic pain.

Would you believe that aloe vera is even used as a toothpaste in fighting cavities?

Let’s be cautious and use only aloe vera gel for topical application – unless we consult a doctor to assure us of the safe use of using aloe vera gel orally.

September 27, 2019, Nelly Favis-Villafuerte

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