Monday, February 01, 2021

Does lifting heavier weights mean more muscle?

Do you ever go for a workout but can’t feel or engage the muscle you want to be working?

You want to build a bigger chest but for some reason you feel your delts and triceps activated?

You want to build bigger lats but find yourself swinging back n fourth more than kids at the playground swings cause you gotta keep up with your friend?

Lately, i’ve been seeing so many guys going into the gym and lifting an absurd amount of weight with absolutely horrendous form just to show off to their friends or social media how much weight they can lift...

This is the exact reason why you’re not growing and it’s called ego lifting.

If your goal is hypertrophy (aka building muscle) then you need to give yourself a reality check and drop your ego.

The most important factor in my opinion for building muscle is mastering form & time under tension and the heavier you try and lift the more you compromise your form.

Only increase the weight once you’ve mastered the form on that exercise. Trust me you can always make an exercise harder without increasing the weight.

For most people, the goal is to build muscle and progress. Unless you’re a powerlifter nobody actually gives a fck how much weight you can lift and it’s even less impressive if your form is dogshit.

Leave your ego at the door, lower the weight and learn to master the form 💯

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