Monday, April 12, 2021

What is it like to live in a very small country such as Belgium or the Netherlands?

It used to be annoying in some respects, but, with the introduction of the Euro in 2002 (2001? -we had a year of using it electronically before any physical currency came out and I don’t remember if that was 2000 or 2001), it’s now possible to drive on a motorway for an hour and not need a different currency when you get out of your car. Which is a huge deal, people who live in large countries don’t even begin to understand what a luxury that is.

So, while we still live in a small country, it’s not driven home in an every day, practical sense the way it used to be.

Otherwise, being a small country with a relatively high population density, it’s very urbanized. There is no getting away from that. If solitude and being alone in nature is what you crave, you’re not going to scratch that itch in Belgium, but for the very South-Eastern bit near Luxembourg.

But, otherwise, very comfortable, thank you for asking. Top notch, reliable amenities, good road network, good public transport, good, relatively cheap, education, affordable healthcare, well kept, affordable to visit patrimonium and cultural events. Also: lots of exposure to other cultures and languages; most Belgians speak at least 3 languages and our diet takes influences from all over the world. All in all lots to be thankful for and make one appreciate being born here. I view it as a privilege.

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