Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Why are soft skills vital to succeed in the hospitality and tourism industry!

Soft skills are important for any job role, regardless of your industry. They help you gain respect from your team, network with like-minded professionals, and most importantly, build trust with your customer base.

These skills refer to personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively with other people and are essential if you plan on pursuing a career in the tourism and hospitality industry. Examples of soft skills include communication abilities, teamwork and problem-solving skills as well as time management and effective leadership qualities.

From working in hotels, restaurants or bars to running conferences and events, the increasingly popular hospitality industry offers a lot of potential for career development and has a variety of roles to choose from. If you want to pursue a career in hospitality, however, it’s important to first focus on building your soft skills in order to stand out to employers and progress in your career.

Here are of the most important soft skills to focus on before pursuing a career in the industry:

Communication skills

Most of the daily responsibilities when working in the hospitality and industry sectors are customer facing, making effective communication skills key. You’ll be interacting with people from a range of backgrounds and ages so it’s important to be able to effectively present information to them and understand their needs. These skills can be a make or break in the industry and are ultimately what will keep your customers coming back for more.

Emotional intelligence

While industries today are becoming increasingly digitised, it is human contact that lies at the heart of hospitality and tourism, making it a relatively stable field to pursue. As a service-reliant industry, a lot of your job will involve dealing with customers’ complaints or issues. Being able to resolve these issues in a calm and timely manner will help you develop a top-rated customer experience.


The hospitality sector is fast-paced and ever-changing, meaning that you will need to work closely with your team if you want everything to run smoothly, especially during peak season. Excellent teamwork skills improve performance with your team and encourage you and your co-workers to excel, even on the most challenging of days. These interpersonal skills also help to provide a positive customer experience. You are more likely to keep your clients using your service again if you are shown to be running a tight ship with a team of organised and helpful employees.

Time management

Careers in hospitality and tourism will often require you to work on several tasks at once, especially during peak season. Having the ability to keep calm under pressure and manage a heavy workload through good time management will help you go far in this fast-paced industry.

A positive attitude

Positivity is infectious. Having a can-do attitude towards the tasks at hand will not only give you more fulfilment in your day-to-day role, but it will rub off on your co-workers too. Maintaining a positive attitude is also central to customer service and will help you build a loyal relationship with your clients. It’s important to remember that customers are everything in this sector. Your guests are ultimately the ones ensuring your business survives, so providing a positive customer experience is paramount.

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Why Don’t Borderline People Have Identity? Is There Scientific Reason?

Rachel Harris

People with borderline personality disorder( BPD ) have often experienced chronic invalidation / abuse as well as having a genetic predisposition. Because of this, the process of forming an identity has been disrupted.

A pw BPD is unable to make sense of his /her environment and internal experience to it because no-one has asked or spoken about her experience or how she feels from early childhood, or provided reassurance. Her external environment is frightening and causes chronic hypervigilance associated with emotional, cognitive and behavioural dysregulation and neuroendocrine dysfunction.

There is no framework for forming a strong sense of identity and difficulty thinking about the mental states of oneself and others regarding dreams, thoughts, emotions, and goals (known as mentalising). The pw BPD may experience identity diffusion (described as not knowing where they end and another person begins) and poor boundaries.

This prevents the integration of essential learning, about what is normal, into a child's personality which can lead to confusion, poor coping methods, difficulty forming healthy relationships, mistrust, chronic anxiety and depression.

The brain structure and function will be altered depending on the length of trauma exposure, timing and effectiveness of therapy.

‘HPA-axis dysfunction in BPD largely mirrors findings demonstrated in post-traumatic stress disorder and may represent a valuable neuroendocrine target for diagnostic or treatment response biomarkers, or for which novel treatments can be investigated.’

Borderline personality disorder, trauma, and the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis.

Why Many People With BPD Also Have Difficulty Finding Themselves

Complex PTSD and borderline personality disorder - Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation

Do Psychopaths Care About Relationships?

Oh good lord, so many of the answers on this are factually incorrect. So allow me to debunk some myths quickly.

  1. It is a myth that psychopaths do not feel anything. Some emotions are missing, others are muted, but they are present.
  2. Psychopaths do not suffer pain, feel loneliness, and feel sadness if they do not receive affection. Psychopaths do not need others at all. We are closed emotional circuits as opposed to the open emotional circuits that neurotypicals are.
  3. Psychopaths are not looking for victims. Are some? Sure, but they aren’t the norm, they are the exception. Neurotypicals have us beat by many long miles regarding the number of toxic people in their ranks. If you get screwed over in a relationship, look to your own kind first because there aren’t that many of us, and most of us have no interest in the games that people accuse us of so often.
  4. We do not feel an emotional need to seek out a partner for romantic interest. I have no idea where someone got this information, but they are wrong.

Josh Campbell’s answer is correct, however. We care, it’s just not the way that you do.

Psychopaths do not process oxytocin. That is due to a nifty little receptor, the oxytocin receptor, that is mutated. That means that oxytocin doesn't bind to it. Neurotypicals have a normal, oxytocin receptor, which makes their experience in relationships much different than ours.

Because we have a mutated oxytocin receptor you will never meet a true psychopath that can chemically love you, bond with you, or trust you. They also will not be jealous because that is also based in oxytocin.

We can however invest in a partnership and can exhibit cognitive love.


This is what psychopaths can do in a relationship. We cannot bond with people, and we cannot feel the chemical component of love. We are immune to that drug. So instead, we invest in someone else.

A person that I am going to invest in is someone that I am compatible with as an individual. These are rare and far between. I don’t have a need to be around people, and I very much enjoy being alone. To me, alone is preferable to most other states. When I do run across a person that has an interest to me I have plenty of time to vet them and make sure that they meet my requirements. I never need to rush into relationships, so the ones I have are worth the effort necessary to keep them. Every so often, as I mentioned, it is rare, someone comes along that I enjoy being around. That person is worthy of my time, my effort, and my energy. My investment.

This is entirely done through action. It is a matter of considering the other person. Their needs, their wants, and adjusting my actions to accommodate their feelings.

I make room for them in my life. I will do what I need to do so that they know they are important to me. I understand that there is a certain degree of emotional feedback necessary. I will do this for them. I am there for them no matter what it is that they need from me. It isn’t something done because I feel like I should. It is done because I know that I should.

Learning to trust them. This is something that takes a great deal of time with me. If I am getting to know a person, violations of my trust are taken very seriously. I give very few second chances. Inadvertent violations are one thing. Intentionally doing something that makes me know I can’t trust them, betrayal or something along those lines, the gate closes and will never reopen. This includes behavior toward a person unrelated to me. I watch people very carefully to see what their character is made of. I won’t invest in someone that is presenting me a pretty paint job to hide the rust and Bondo underneath. They need to show me that they are worth my confidence.

How this works with trust is, they show me that I can trust them. Every day. It’s not a bank account that they should expect interest on. I expect the same response from them, which is why I work exceptionally hard if I am invested in them, to keep that position clear. I am worth their investment, because I expect that they will be worth mine. Violate that and it’s incredibly hard to get it back. It removes their credibility nearly completely.

That said, I can forgive a lot of things. Small inconveniences, little trespasses, very little makes me angry or affects what I think of them. If it’s something significant, that is a major problem. Trust is always a choice, and if you make my choice for me, I am going to be inclined to agree with you

I have to be trustworthy myself. They need to know that what I say I am going to do is what I do. I mean what I say, I speak clearly and without pretext. I am not going to play games with them, and I expect that in return. I won’t be cold and callous to their problems, and they don’t flood me in emotional soup. Who I am, is who they know.

Being loyal. That means that I will never betray them, and they are expected to keep my counsel in return. Betrayal on either side is unacceptable. What constitutes it would be established between myself and that person. I am very clear with what my investment means, and what I require in return from friends. No one goes into it with their eyes closed.

I will be sure that no matter what, a person in my inner circle is always okay. What they need, I will get for them. At different times this has meant everything from rescuing a person left stranded somewhere states away without hope of getting home, literally risking my life to protect them, to sending food across country to be sure that someone had something to eat and not continue to go hungry.

Investment is what I do and am for that person. It is my time, my effort, my consideration. It is unwavering until it is no longer desired, or until that person demonstrates to me that continuing to do so is a waste of my time. I will then withdraw my investment.

I can go months without speaking to a person. I don’t need to see them, or hear from them. The last time I spoke to them is what I will remember them as. The lack of bonding comes into play here. I don’t bond with a person. What this means is, while our past relationship has some bearing, it is no where near what it is between neurotypicals. If they screw up with a neurotypical and break trust, all the good and fuzzy memories that the two of them share can sway the other person’s opinion over towards forgiveness. It doesn’t work that way with me.

Our interaction is a series of events with little tying them together. Every moment of trust and loyalty I give out is intentional action and choice on my part. It is not something that runs on autopilot. My last interaction with an inner circle member is what determines my level of initial response to them the next time I see them. Imagine it as a pause button. If we pause after having a great night watching movies and having fun, bully for them. If we paused where they pissed me off? Not so much.

Investment is a series of intentional and intricate actions to provide a good relationship to the person that has earned it from me, to show them that they are important to me, to make sure their lives are good as long as they know me, and to accommodate them in my own life.

Cognitive Love;

Love is a multifaceted thing. There is the feeling of love, and then there is actual love.

The feeling of love is caused by oxytocin. This acts much like a drug in the brain, and people respond to it as such. However, it is nothing more than that. It is a drug that you are reacting to. It is flimsy. There is nothing there but air to build a relationship on.

Actual love is what should happen if you have any intention for the relationship to have legs. This is beyond the feeling. It is the understanding of the person you are with, honesty with how that person enriches your life, what you value about them, and what you yourself are willing to do to be sure that they have a reason to stay around.

This is the hard work. This is where you know who the person is beyond the cute little things about them that you absolutely ADORE, that you will in time grow to resent, comes into focus. Relationships are work, and so is being with another person. You have to be willing to put that work in despite your feelings on the matter.

It is a choice to be mature, it is a choice to recognize where YOU have faults, it is the point in time that you recognize the autonomy of the other person and that you are not going to ever change them. That is solely at their discretion.

Actual love is investment. Of your time, your respect, your loyalty, and your dedication. You decide to give these things on a daily basis because the person across for you is worth it. They have aspects about them that you enjoy and want to keep in your life. Actual love is about leveling the faults of your mate against your own. Neither of you is perfect.

A chemical romance will only get you so far. Perhaps it will limp you across the starting line of marriage, but if you are relying on it to carry that marriage further than a few years, you are going to be out of luck. It simply won’t happen.

Psychopaths do not process oxytocin like neurotypicals. Without it, we lack the chemical experience of love, bonding, and of trust.

We cannot bond, but we can dedicate.

We cannot experience chemical love, but we can love in a much more realistic way.

We cannot feel trust, but we can learn to trust someone that shows that they are worthy of that trust.

So, while these chemical shortcuts are barred from us, we are able to move about freely and without restraint. It is a form of love that may be lacking what most people feel is so fundamental, but whereas their relationships die on the altar of love, ours carries on without that limitation because we choose for it to do so. No one is in control of the relationship that we have but the two people involved in it. In the case of psychopathy, I am clear-minded and have nothing leading me around by the nose.

So many relationships falter because people want chemistry to do their thinking. The chemistry is the cheat code, but if you want to finish the game, you have to put the work into it.

Athena Walker's answer to Why do psychopaths have relationships? What do they get out of it?

Desiring Jesus Always

August 31, 2022
Wednesday of the Twenty-Second Week of Ordinary Time
Readings for Today


At daybreak, Jesus left and went to a deserted place. The crowds went looking for him, and when they came to him, they tried to prevent him from leaving them.  Luke 4:42

What a beautiful act of affection and love for Jesus.  Here, Jesus was with the crowds at sunset and spent the entire night with the people curing them and preaching to them.  Perhaps they all got some sleep at some point but it may have happened that Jesus was up with them all night.  

In this passage above, Jesus went away to be alone at daybreak just as the sun was rising.  He went to pray and simply be present to His Father in Heaven.  And what happened?  Even though Jesus had dedicated the entire last evening and night to the people, they wanted to be with Him some more.  He was gone for a short time to pray and they immediately went searching for Him.  And when they found Jesus, they begged Him to stay longer.

Though Jesus had to move on and preach to other towns, it is clear that He made quite an impression with these people.  Their hearts were touched deeply and they wanted Jesus to stay.

The good news is that Jesus can now stay with us 24/7 today.  At that time, He had not yet ascended to Heaven and therefore was limited to being in one place at a time.  But now that He is in Heaven, Jesus can live in all places at all times.  

So what we see in this passage above is the desire that we should all have.  We should desire that Jesus remains with us 24/7 just as these good people desired.  We should go to sleep with Him on our minds, wake praying to Him and allow Him to accompany us throughout every day.  We should foster the same love and affection for Jesus that the people had in this passage above.  Fostering that desire is the first step to allowing His presence to accompany us all day every day.

Reflect, today, upon your desire or lack of desire to be with Jesus always.  Are there times when you prefer He not be there?  Or have you allowed yourself to have this same affection for Jesus seeking His presence in your life always?

My Ever-Present Lord, I desire that You be present in my life all day long every day.  May I always seek You and always be attentive to Your presence in my life.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Demons are For Real

August 30, 2022
Tuesday of the Twenty-Second Week in Ordinary Time
Readings for Today


“What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are–the Holy One of God!” Jesus rebuked him and said, “Be quiet! Come out of him!” Then the demon threw the man down in front of them and came out of him without doing him any harm. They were all amazed and said to one another, “What is there about his word? For with authority and power he commands the unclean spirits, and they come out.”  Luke 4:34-36

Yes, it’s a frightening thought.  Demons are for real.  Or is it frightening?  If we look at the whole scene here we find that Jesus is clearly victorious over the demon and casts him out without allowing him to do the man any harm.  So, truth be told, this passage is far more frightening for the demons than it should be for us!

But what it does tell us is that demons are real, they hate us and they desire deeply to destroy us.  So, if that’s not frightening it should at least make us sit up and pay attention.

Demons are fallen angels who retain their natural powers.  Though they turned from God and acted in complete selfishness, God does not strip away their natural powers unless they misuse them and we turn to Him for help.  So what is it that demons are capable of?  As with the holy angels, demons have natural powers of communication and influence upon us and upon our world.  The angels are given the care of the world and our lives.  Those angels that fell from grace now try to use their power over the world and their power to influence us and communicate with us for evil.  They have turned from God and now they want to turn us.

One thing this tells us is that we must constantly act in a discerning way.  It’s easy to be tempted and led astray by a lying demon.  In the case above, this poor man had so cooperated with this demon that it took full possession of his life.  Though that level of influence and control upon us is quite rare, it can happen.  What’s most important, however, is that we simply understand and believe that demons are real and they constantly try to lead us astray.

But the good news is that Jesus has all power over them and easily confronts them and overpowers them if we but seek His grace to do so.  

Reflect, today, upon the reality of evil and the reality of demonic temptations in our world.  We’ve all experienced them.  They are nothing to be overly frightened about.  And they should not be seen in an overly dramatic light.  Demons are powerful, but the power of God easily triumphs if we let Him take control.  So as you reflect upon the reality of evil and demonic temptations, reflect also on God’s desire to enter in and render them powerless.  Allow God to take command and trust that God will conquer.  

All-Powerful Lord, when I am tempted and confused, please come to me.  Help me to discern the evil one and his lies.  May I turn to You the All-Powerful One in all things, and may I rely upon the powerful intercession of the holy angels You have entrusted to me.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Monday, August 29, 2022

Agricoltura 2.0 - ImpattoZero srl

1. 1. Un hectare de cannabis libère autant d'oxygène que 25 hectares de forêt. Le cannabis pousse en 4 mois et les arbres poussent en 20-50 ans.
2. 2. À partir d'un hectare de cannabis, vous obtenez la même quantité de papier que 4 hectares de forêt.
3. Les arbres font du papier recyclable 3 fois tandis que le chanvre fait du papier recyclables 8 fois. Le papier chanvre est le meilleur et le plus durable.
5. Les plantes de chanvre sont un piège à radiations. Les plantations de cannabis purifient l'air.
6. Le chanvre peut être cultivé partout dans le monde, il a besoin de très peu d'eau. De plus, parce qu'il peut se défendre contre les parasites, il n'a pas besoin de pesticides.
7. Les textiles de chanvre surpassent même les produits de lin dans leurs propriétés.
8. Le chanvre est une plante idéale pour la production de bords, cordes, sacs, chaussures, chapeaux...
9. Le cannabis est interdit en Bulgarie. Mais le cannabis technique ne contient pas de drogue et peut être cultivé librement.
10. La valeur protéique des graines de cannabis est très élevée et deux acides gras contenus dans ces graines ne peuvent être trouvés nulle part ailleurs dans la nature.
11. Faire pousser du cannabis est beaucoup moins cher que le soja.
12. Les animaux qui mangent du cannabis n'ont pas besoin de suppléments hormonaux.
13. Tous les produits en plastique peuvent être fabriqués à partir de chanvre, le plastique de chanvre est respectueux de l'environnement et entièrement biodé
14. Le chanvre peut aussi être utilisé pour l'isolation thermique des bâtiments, il est durable, bon marché et flexible.
15 ans. Les savons au chanvre et les cosmétiques au chanvre ne polluent pas l'eau, ils sont donc complètement respectueux de l'
Et sur les bienfaits du cannabis médical dans le traitement de nombreuses affections différentes, une fois de plus

Du web

Fidelity in Suffering

Monday, August 29, 2022

Memorial of the Passion of Saint John the Baptist

Readings for Today


The girl hurried back to the king’s presence and made her request, “I want you to give me at once on a platter the head of John the Baptist.”  The king was deeply distressed, but because of his oaths and the guests he did not wish to break his word to her. So he promptly dispatched an executioner with orders to bring back his head.  Matthew 6:25-27

This sad story, of the beheading of John the Baptist, reveals much to us.  It reveals, above all, the mystery of evil in our world and God’s permissive will in allowing evil, at times, to flourish.

Why did God allow St. John to be beheaded?  He was a great man.  Jesus, Himself, said that there was no one born of woman greater than John the Baptist.  And, yet, He allowed John to suffer this great injustice.

St. Teresa of Ávila once said to our Lord, “Dear Lord, if this is how You treat Your friends, it is no wonder You have so few!”  Yes, God has clearly allowed those whom He loves to suffer greatly throughout history.  What does this tell us?

First of all, we should not forget the obvious fact that the Father allowed the Son to suffer greatly and to be murdered in a horrific way.  Jesus’ death was brutal and shocking.  Does this mean the Father did not love the Son?  Certainly not.  So what does this mean?

The fact of the matter is that suffering is not a sign of the disfavor of God.  If you suffer and are given no relief by God it is not because God has abandoned you.  It is not that He doesn't love you.  In fact, the opposite is most likely true.

John the Baptist’s suffering is, in fact, the greatest sermon he could have preached.  It’s a witness to his unwavering love of God and his wholehearted commitment to the will of God.  The “sermon” of John’s passion is powerful because he chose to stay faithful to our Lord despite the persecution he endured.  And, from God’s perspective, John’s fidelity is infinitely more valuable than his continued physical life or the physical sufferings he endured.

Reflect, today, upon your own life.  At times we carry some heavy cross and beg our Lord to take it from us.  Instead, God tells us that His grace is sufficient and that He wishes to use our sufferings as a testimony of our fidelity.  So, the Father’s response to Jesus, His response to John and His response to us is a call to enter into the mystery of our sufferings in this life with faith, hope, confidence and fidelity.  Never let the hardships of life deter you from your fidelity toward the will of God.

Lord, may I have the strength of Your Son and the strength of St. John the Baptist as I carry my own crosses in life.  May I remain strong in faith and filled with hope as I hear You calling me to embrace my cross.  Jesus, I trust in You.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Attentiveness to Jesus

August 28, 2022
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, (Year C)
Readings for Today


On a sabbath Jesus went to dine at the home of one of the leading Pharisees, and the people there were observing him carefully.  Luke 14:1

What an interesting line.  This line should not be overlooked in that it reveals a common reaction that some have to Jesus.  What is the reaction?  It’s the tendency to observe Jesus carefully from a distance.

Look at the context of this statement.  Jesus was invited to the home of a leading Pharisee and many other people were present.  Those who were there would have been considered the “movers and shakers” of that time.  They were the influential, wealthy, educated, and prestigious members of the community.  Many would have been quite concerned about their reputation and quite curious about Jesus since He was growing in such popularity with the people.  So, as a result, they were all “observing him carefully.”

Notice the implication present in this description of their reaction to Jesus.  Unlike the manifest sinners of that time, they did not come to Him, falling at His feet, begging for mercy.  Rather, they appear to be quite interested in how Jesus will be accepted by others, what He will say and what they should think about Him.  Even though it is unfortunate that they do not all completely turn to Jesus in faith, it’s at least good that they are attentive to Jesus and realize He is unique.  

This curiosity on their part is not all bad.  In fact, it may lead some of them to salvation.  By observing Jesus, they are clearly pondering Him, His words and His actions.  This is good if and only if it results in each one of them turning to Him in faith and choosing to embrace our Lord regardless of what others think.  This is a risk for those consumed with their own public image.  But it’s a risk that is worth taking.  For those who are willing to humbly allow their observations to turn into true faith, their lives will change.  But in order to do so, they must let go of any fear they have of what others may think.

Reflect, today, upon any tendency you have to only “observe” Jesus and His will from a distance.  If you find you are curious and interested in the presence of God around you, do not hesitate to act on this curiosity, allowing His words and presence to change your life.  Do not let yourself become concerned about what others may think.  Give your life to Him without hesitation and you will be eternally grateful you did.

Lord, when I perceive Your presence in my life, give me the courage I need to respond.  May I never let societal pressures or pride interfere with my turning to You.  I love You, dear Lord.  Help me to love You without reserve.  Jesus, I trust in You.