Number 1:
Respect is more important than love: I did not say that love was not important. But there are many cases where couples decide to stay together even when their love passed away a long time ago. Sometimes to support their children until they grow up, or for financial security. On the contrary, once you lose the respect of your partner, they cannot coexist. Life turns to torture. Their voice penetrates your ears making noise in your skull every time you hear them speak. His touch burns your skin and his perfume chokes and hardens your chest. Every encounter is an affliction. You can revive love, but the loss of respect is irreparable.
Number 2:
Be Drawn to His Eyes: If you decide to fall in love with looks, be sure to lose yourself in his eyes because they never get old. The handsome guy you meet today will have a pancake belly and less hair in a few years. That stunning beauty you adore will now have a wrinkled face and drooping posture. If this is what happens to a celebrity, imagine what will happen to your partner.
Remember that the eyes are the window to the soul. There you will see the passion of your partner, his joy and his nostalgia regardless of his age.
Number 3:
Cross battlefields together: When your partner is experiencing difficult times in their career, struggling with health problems or losing their sanity; This is what I call the battlefield in a marriage. They must cross it together. If you decide to wait for this person on the other side of the field and allow him to cross on his own, you will lose him permanently. If he doesn't make it, you've lost him. And if it succeeds, you will still lose it.
Number 4:
You won't be the same person in 10 years: People change all the time. You lost your mind because of who you met today. This passionate, energetic and kind twenty-something human being, who knew how to listen, who dreamed big and wanted to change the world. But after years of continually being crushed by the wheels of business and life, the children's marathon, and being drowned by everyday tasks, guess what? All of this will make your partner's personality unrecognizable. They may now be more nervous, less sensitive, more aggressive, and less quick to forgive. They will definitely change. You must accept this new version of you and your partner, otherwise your life will be unbearable.
Number 5:
Work as a team: From the previous point, you have found that you both changed. Now more than ever they need to work as a team. It is very difficult to direct a ship with two captains, sometimes she must be in control and in others he will take the lead. At the end of the day you want to get to the other side safely, how do you know if they are compatible as a team? Simple: If you manage to stay calm in the middle of a lost road and help each other with a map until you find your destination, it means you can work as teams.
Number 6:
Feed Your Intimacy : Sex is like eating and drinking. Everyone knows that. But some believe that we can all survive on the same amount of food. For some a “happy meal” is more than enough, but others will not feel satisfied until they devour a full meal. It's the same with sex. Don't expect your partner to have the same appetite as you. If someone goes hungry that can end in infidelity. They must communicate what they feel, their needs and concerns, otherwise they will be stuck in an ox and donkey relationship.
Number 7.
Be friends: One day, many years later, when the cyclone of emotions, intimacy, children growing up and their work routines settle down, they will look at the road they have traveled and reflect. they will have a lot of time to be together. If the hours feel like an eternity and they have nothing to say to each other, they were never friends, friendship is the problem that holds the couple until the end.
Number 8.
Take nothing for granted: Always happy is an elusive statement. There are ups and downs in every relationship. Sometimes you will feel that you married the right person and other times you will perceive this person as someone sent from hell itself. It is a work in progress. Celebrate the good times and stay tuned for the tough ones.
Number 9.
Don't compare yourselves: The following scenario could happen to you after a few years of marriage: You are having dinner with another couple who look like Romeo and Juliet in modern times. They look at each other with passion and touch their hands as if it were the first time. She treats her man like the ideal husband while he talks about her like a trophy. While you look at each other thinking "why can't you be like this?" Be careful. What you just saw could be a show, like a movie in the theater, it had a beginning and an end. Some people are very good at performing in public.
Number 10:
Patience ... Patience ... and more patience: When you face obstacles just remember that time solves all problems. So take a deep breath Do you want it to be clearer? Turn. Be patient.
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