Tuesday, April 26, 2022

World Safest Country to Travel.

Traveling is one of the most loved activities in the world. People of all ages love to see different places, places they have never been to or even places they have dreamed of visiting. However, there are some places that are risker than others and you might think twice of going there. So this blog talks about the world safest country to travel to.

Safest country to travel in the world.

  1. Finland
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Denmark
  5. Australia
  6. Portugal
  7. Japan
  8. New Zealand
  9. Canada
  10. Ireland

1. Finland

Finland- world safest country to travel

Finland is a small, but beautiful country with an amazing range of activities for all the thrill-seekers out there. The Finnish people are also exceptionally friendly and helpful, making it one of the best places to travel around the world on your own. Also Finland happens to be Finland is a role model in eco-friendly living so you won’t be disappointed if you’re trying to learn more about how to have less of an effect on the environment and live a greener lifestyle.

2. Switzerland

Switzerland- world safest country to travel

Switzerland is ranked as the one of the safest country to travel. With its lush green valleys, glistening lakes, and spectacular mountains, Switzerland is not only one of the world’s most beautiful places but also one of the world’s safest and most stable nations. Even during the outbreak of COVID-19, it felt like a sanctuary to many of us. To reinforce this feeling is a new report, released by Deep Knowledge Ventures (DKV), a coalition of multi-sectoral trade and non-profit organizations working in the DeepTech and Frontier Technologies sectors. DKV ranked Switzerland among the safest countries to host the epidemic: # 2 in the Eurozone, just outside Germany, where we parted ways with Italian events.

3. Iceland

Iceland- world safest to travel

Land of ice and fire, better known as Iceland has been voted the safest country in the world for 12 years in a row now. The worldwide Peace Safety Index looks at crime rates, political situation, natural disasters and health risks. Official category are public safety and security, domestic and international conflicts and level of violence.

4. Denmark

Denmark-world safest country to travel

The Danish people are said to be the happiest people in the world, and since the beautiful country they live in, it is easy to see why. The Danish capital, Copenhagen, is probably one of the best pla-ces to visit as a hiker. Yes it has its most dangerous areas like Norrebo, but as long as you stay alert, you are (promised that something will definitely happen or that something will definitely work as described) to have a good time.

One of the great things about Denmark is that it is ready to travel, which means you can explore the country at your own pace and feel safe while doing so.

5. Australia


Australia has risen from its second-largest spot last year due to the low levels of violent crime, (not having a steady, trustworthy government), and the military -reflected in the Worldwide Peace Index.

The Department of State says it is also at its first very safe level, which means travelers should use standard safety measures, leaving out areas affected by forest fires and issues related to air quality that are carefully thought about.

Furthermore, Australia has earned the top spot for safe country to travel for a women twice in a row followed by Malta, Iceland and New Zealand according to the data of New World Wealth

6. Portugal

Portugal- safe country to travel

In a very cheap place, but surprisingly, Portugal is a good place to go. With its beautiful coastline, pleasant cities, and tropical climate, it has become a popular tourist destination but still one of the safest countries to visit. A good tip is to travel here without difficult times to enjoy a quiet experience. Be sure to try some delicious Portuguese food, relax on the beach or walk the streets of cities like Lisbon and Porto. Portugal is a great place for young travelers looking for a fun, safe trip but without the high price tag.

7. Japan

Japan- safe destination to travel

Japan is one of the safest Asian countries to go to with its highly respected society and very low crime rates. Gardens such as the fairy tale and cities of the future technology make this country one of the most interesting to visit.

It is important when you visit Japan that you respect their culture and obey any rules when you are in public places, as they can be very specific about this. Besides, it is an amazing country to visit and is a must on your bucket list.

8. New Zealand

New Zealand- safe destination

New Zealand should be one of the most beautiful places in the world with lush greenery, inviting beaches and very friendly people. It is known as one of the most peaceful countries in the world, and one of the least corrupt in the world.

Unlike its neighbor Australia, New Zealand has the lowest number of dangerous pests in the world so you do not have to check your shoes every time you wear them! Great place for those who love the outdoors and adventure – anyone who jumps with a bungee?

9. Canada

Canada- safe destination to visit

Canada is the sixth safest country in the world according to the Global Peace Index, retaining its status since 2019. It is also one of the richest countries in the world and is a major tourist destination. With a population of about 35 million, Canada is internationally known for its international relations, peace-nature, tolerance and respect for human rights, and is highly regarded for that.

10. Ireland


Compared to many European and international countries, Ireland is the world safest country to travel. There is a low crime rate in Ireland and most of them are alcoholics. Tourists are advised to avoid the streets of Ireland at night, especially in the big cities. According to the 2020 Vision of Humanity Global Peace Index, Ireland is the 12th “most peaceful” country in the world.

The Irish have a great mother’s side and love to welcome or ‘mother’ new guests. If you live with a host family, you are sure to be treated as one of the family. If not, there is always a greeting or hand helping in the corner.


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