Thursday, January 26, 2023

9 Things To Give Up If You Want To Be Happy

Some things prevent us from being happy. We need to notice these things and give up on them to be satisfied.
We need to be serious about it, or we will miss the opportunity to be happy.

1) COMPLAINING- We spend a lot of our energy on complaining, but complaining just exhausts us.

2) LIMITING BELIEFS- These are the source of self-doubts, fears, worries, etc. Most people are prisoners of self-limiting beliefs.

3) BLAMING OTHERS-If something can create endless fights and discussions that are blaming others. Skip this habit, and you will avoid a lot of negative emotions and useless fights.

4) NEGATIVE SELF-TALK-Make a little experiment. Avoid negative self-talk. Try it for one month. And you will notice more positivity in your life.

5) DWELLING ON THE PAST-You can’t change your past. Accept it, learn the lesson, and try to create a life worthy of living.

6) RESISTANCE TO CHANGE-Be open-minded. Learn to adapt to the environment. If anything you need to learn that is to know how to overcome resistance to change.

7) THE NEED TO IMPRESS OTHERS- If you want to impress others, you become the servant of these people. Try to impress yourself.

8) THE NEED TO ALWAYS BE RIGHT- It is normal to not be always right. Perfectionism can create a lot of problems. Don’t take it tragically if you are not right, during our whole life we learn something and improve ourselves.

9) THE NEED FOR OTHER’S APPROVAL- Be free and independent. Approvals of others will make you passive, dependent, and reactive.

If you want to find happiness in your life, contact me for coaching and mentoring.

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