Thursday, January 19, 2023

How many children does Elon Musk have and how did he raise them?

Jean-Marie Valheur

Nobody knows exactly how many kids Elon Musk has. What we do know is that early in life, he married to a woman he met at college. They had a son, Dakota, who died suddenly for no apparant reason — SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Any parent’s worst nightmare, no doubt about it. Musk and his wife had five more sons after this, one of whom no identifies as a woman.

After divorcing his first wife, Musk married another woman, divorced her and married her once more before divorcing her a final time. He dated actress Amber Heard after this and they planned to have a family, again through IVF. Heard eventually took Musk to court over embryos they created together — Musk wanting to destroy them and Heard wanting to implant them so she could be a mother. What became of the embryos is anyone’s guess… but two years ago, Amber Heard had a daughter through IVF. Many claim it may be Musks’ offspring, and there are rumors he’s paid for some of her legal defense costs against her ex-husband. Anyway, Musk doesn’t sit still, and takes up with the musician Grimes. With her, Musk has two children; an oddly named son, created ‘the natural way’ and an oddly named daughter born through IVF.

In 2022 it was revealed that Elon Muskfathered twins by Tesla executive Zhivon Zilis a year prior. So if my math adds up here, Musk had six children by his first wife, two by his live-in partner Grimes, and another two by Zilis. That makes ten children, nine of whom still alive. He may also be the biological father of Amber Heard’s daughter. He’s insinuated, however, that he has other “secret children” the world does not know about. So your guess, dear reader, is as good as mine. We do not know how raises them, for the record. Just that there’s a ton of them.

Elon Musk fathered at least ten children. But unlike Nick Cannon, he doesn’t publicize all their births and prefers to keep the exact numbers or location of his little ones under wraps. As is his right. Either way, there’s no shortage of heirs to the Tesla-Twitter-SpaceX fortune.

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