Wednesday, March 08, 2023

How To Defend Yourself Against Bear Attack?

Lucia Baratto 

From 2014 to today, in Trentino, Italy (where I come from), there have been seven episodes of aggression (including one on March 5) towards humans by bears. First of all, it must be clarified that a bear's attack on a human is NEVER a predatory attack, but an attempt to defend a resource, in most cases, their cubs.

Another frequent cause of bear attacks on humans is the presence of unleashed dogs: the law in Italy requires that domestic animals are not left free in natural areas.

What to do if you encounter a bear (and what not to do):

  • Do not follow the bear's tracks: respect their need for tranquility.
  • If you spot a bear from afar, enjoy the scene: DO NOT try to approach it.
  • Near huts, keep leftover food securely so that the bear cannot reach it.
  • When crossing woods where a bear's presence is indicated, make some noise while walking. Bears have highly developed senses and avoid humans when they sense their presence.
  • If the bear stands up and sniffs, it is only to better identify what surrounds it, not a sign of aggression.
  • If you encounter cubs, slowly and carefully retrace your steps to move away.
  • If you encounter a bear at close range, stay calm and do not alarm the bear by shouting or making sudden movements.
  • If appropriate, slowly and calmly retreat. Do not run. Running can trigger pursuit, as often happens with dogs.
  • Odd as it may seem, you must leave the bear a way out - a safe path to move away - otherwise, it will feel trapped...


Although cases of aggression are rare and generally linked to improper human behavior towards bears, it is possible to happen. In the United States, anti-bear sprays are widely used, commonly sold to tourists as "personal insurance," without the need for any authorization. Unfortunately, in Italy, it is still illegal to buy anti-bear spray.

Anti-bear sprays differ from those commonly used for self-defense because they contain a much higher percentage of pepper and a longer range (up to about 10 meters) therefore they represent a dangerous weapon if they fall into the wrong hands. Apart from using an anti-bear spray, there is really nothing else we can do to save ourselves once a bear is engaging in a fight with us…

The scene of the bear attack from The Revenant movie with Leonardo di Caprio.

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