Sunday, March 05, 2023

Where and for how long did Cary Grant and Randolph Scott live together in Hollywood?

Cary Grant and Randolph Scott were two Hollywood legends who lived together in a mansion in Santa Monica, California, for a period of about 12 years.

The exact dates of their cohabitation are not clear, but it is estimated that they lived together from the mid-1930s to the late 1940s.

There is speculation that their relationship may have been romantic in nature, although both men were known for their relationships with women. Some historians have described their relationship as a "marriage of convenience," while others have suggested that they may have been secretly in love with each other.

Searching on the internet, I discovered that Grant and Scott were both talented actors who starred in numerous films throughout their careers. Grant was known for his suave demeanor and impeccable comic timing, while Scott was a ruggedly handsome leading man who appeared in a variety of genres, from Westerns to musicals.

There have been rumors of drama surrounding their living arrangement, with some reports suggesting that Grant's wife at the time, Virginia Cherrill, was unhappy about the situation. However, there is little concrete evidence to support these claims.

In my opinion, the fact that Grant and Scott lived together for such a long period of time suggests that they had a deep and meaningful bond, regardless of whether it was romantic in nature. As Grant once famously said, "I can tell you that the whole thing was blown up by the press to satisfy their hunger for dirt and to get people to read their papers. If the papers want to say I'm gay, that's fine. But it's not true. I'm not gay."

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