Wednesday, June 15, 2022

7 Dangerous Plants That You Should Not Have In Your Home

Carolyn Stewart
Dangerous Plants
Dangerous Plants

Dangerous Plants, Sometimes beauty has its dangers, and this is not less with plants, so it is good to know them to avoid unnecessary risks. Plants add a special touch to home decor. They create a natural environment, purify the air, and help bring life spaces. However, some dangerous plants can be toxic, especially to children and pets.

Generally, the labels that accompany plants give recommendations on how to grow them but do not warn of the damage they can cause. Who buys them never assumes, therefore, that they can be dangerous plants.

It is also possible that on a walk in the field, you discover a plant of great beauty, and you are encouraged to take it home without knowing if it represents any danger. But sometimes, its beauty is precisely a trap that can cause many problems.

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Dangerous plants that you should not have in your home

1. Hydrangeas

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Despite their bright color, hydrangeas are at high risk for respiratory arrest.

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It is perhaps one of the most popular plants for home decoration. Its bright blue flowers are very showy; however, they are its most dangerous part.

Chewing the hydrangea flower can lead to respiratory arrest, lower blood pressure, and a high risk of dizziness and fainting. The leaves and the stem also produce these effects but on a smaller scale.

These symptoms are produced by hydrazine, a cyanide family compound present in this plant, so beautiful and ordinary in our homes.

2. The lilies

Lilies, also known as lilies, are favorite flowers in bouquets and decorative pots. However, those who have cats should avoid them.

There are many different types of lilies, and they all negatively affect cats. Some irritate the digestive tract of felines and cause diarrhea and vomiting. Other types of lily affect the kidneys and can cause death.

The studies have failed to determine what substance causes poisoning in cats, but if you have decided that only two petals can be fatal. 

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3. Salvia divinorum

The most significant risk from salvia stems from its potential as a hallucinogen.

This type of sage may take many unsuspecting by surprise as it is often confused with common sage, which is edible and has many health benefits.

The Salvia divinorum has a hallucinogenic compound like LSD. Although the Amazon indigenous people use it for ritual purposes, its consumption can cause irreversible damage. It creates altered consciousness and hallucinations that sometimes become recurrent and permanent.

For that reason, when you see the label that says “salvia,” make sure it does not have the surname Divinorum.

4. Floripondio, Angel’s trumpets or bells: Dangerous plants

This plant, known by different names depending on the region, is a leafy and highly decorative tree. Its beautiful flowers hang down like a skirt or bell. For added temptation, its flavor is sweet and pleasant.

However, the floripondium is also a hallucinogenic plant. Its flowers cause psychotic episodes, alienations, paralysis and can be fatal. This is because it has tropane alkaloids, substances present in synthetic drugs and that inhibit the nervous system.

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5. The trinitarian

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This climbing plant is dangerous due to its cardiotonic effects.

It is very common in the house’s exterior since it climbs the walls and gives them color with its flowers.

The flowers, stem, and trinitarian seeds contain cyanogenic and oleandrin, both toxic substances that affect the heart. If ingested intentionally or by accident, arrhythmias, and tachycardias will occur within hours, dizziness, vomiting, and diarrhea.

6. Oleander


Also known as ‘flowering laurel,’ oleander has small, delicate flowers, which is why it is a favorite plant both indoors and outdoors. However, it is a dangerous plant for people and animals.

Oleander contains glycosides that, when eaten, speed up the heart rate, cause sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and breathing problems.

It is also dangerous in contact with the skin, as its stem has a milky substance that can be irritating. Therefore, it is recommended to wear gloves when sowing, transplanting, or pruning them.

7. The Dieffenbachia

 One of the most classic indoors and outdoors due to its easy maintenance can irritate contact.

This plant, also known as ‘Lotería’ and ‘Amoena,’ is trendy for its color and easy maintenance indoors and outdoors. This plant has asparagine, which is an irritating substance. It can cause skin problems for some people, and if chewed, it can cause a sore throat and heart problems.

Dangerous plants: general recommendations

These dangerous plants are very decorative and easy to find, so it is always advisable to handle them with care and keep them out of the reach of pets and children.

Also, it is good to take other precautions:

  • Collect the leaves and petals that come off the plant.
  • Put labels that warn of its danger.
  • Wash your hands after touching the plants.
  • If you have pets, make sure they have a container with fresh water to prevent them from drinking accumulated water on the plants.

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And remember, when buying a new plant, look for information that can help you know if it is a dangerous plant.

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