Saturday, November 11, 2023

5 Best Benefits of Eating Bananas

Ripe yellow bananas are packed full of health benefits.

(Locomotive74 /

Bananas are so incredibly healthy that calling these yellow, red, or green fruits a superfood is almost an understatement. The old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” should be changed to a banana a day.

Americans eat a whopping 27 pounds (12.24 kilograms) of bananas per person a year, according to The Mayo Clinic. That’s about 90 bananas. Since bananas do not have to ripen on the tree, buying a bunch can last a while. And they are available all year long.

Besides being delicious, bananas are also portable because the thick skin provides a lot of protection. You can take them to work, pack them in a school lunch bag, or just grab and go to eat them on the run.

Highly Nutritious

This superfood is packed full of vitamins and minerals. Just eating a medium sized banana will give you 25 percent of vitamin B6, according to WebMD. These yellow treats also contain Vitamins C and A as well as magnesium, and potassium. Bananas are full of soluble fiber which can help control your cholesterol and blood pressure. Eating green bananas gives you a dose of insoluble fiber that could aid  gut health.

One medium banana is full of vitamins and minerals.

(Paulo Vilela /

Heart Healthy  

Bananas are good for your heart, stresses Everyday Health. That’s because this tropical fruit is rich in potassium which helps to regulate your circulatory system. This helps your body maintain a normal heartbeat and could help lower your blood pressure.

A 2017 animal study showed that low levels of potassium could lead to vascular calcification and artery stiffness while a high potassium diet decreased calcification and stiffness. In people, eating enough potassium actually leads to a 27 percent lower risk of heart disease.

Banana bread is a healthy treat.

(Charles Brutlag /

Helps Support Digestive Health

The dietary fiber found in bananas has been linked to improved digestion, according to Healthline. The insoluble fiber found in unripe bananas is a prebiotic that provides food for the beneficial bacteria in your gut. The pectin found in bananas may also help to prevent constipation.

Bananas are also good for people who suffer from ulcers, suggests Everyday Health. That’s because this superfruit increases mucus in your digestive tract which may help to heal ulcers and reduce irritation. You can reach for a banana to use as a natural antacid instead of a Tums for stomach acid.

Fried green potatoes contain prebiotics.

(Sendo Serra /

Contains Powerful Antioxidants

Bananas are an excellent source of antioxidants, according to Healthline, because the fruit contains flavonoids and amines. Antioxidants are linked to several health benefits that may include a reduced risk of heart disease and degenerative diseases like arthritis. Antioxidants also help to protect your cells from the oxidative damage that free radicals cause.

Banana and oatmeal smoothies are a healthy breakfast choice.
  1. (Dmitrii Ivanov /

Helps Improve Sugar Levels

The fiber in bananas may also improve your blood sugar levels. That’s because fiber helps to slow the digestion and absorption of carbs so that you do not experience a blood sugar spike when consuming bananas the same way that you would by eating other carbs. Bananas also rate low to medium on the glycemic index that ranks foods by how much and how fast they raise blood sugar levels. The riper the banana is will determine how high it falls on the index.

Multicolored bananas are available in your grocery store or produce market.

(sal73it /

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