Saturday, November 04, 2023

What do Filipinos hate the most about the Philippines?

Profile photo for Julius Rockefeller Rosenberg Ackermann

Very toxic culture I tell you. Let me list this down for you:

  1. Colonial Mentality (no sense of Nationalism)
  2. Crab mentality (no wonder why most Filipinos don’t get rich enough to be on Forbes)
  3. Self-centered
  4. Disregard of the law
  5. More likely to discriminate against their own people than foreigners
  6. Gold-digging parents (they’d encourage their child to marry a rich man to escape poverty)
  7. Irresponsible parents (have children of 10 and let the eldest two find work so they can take care of the other 8)
  8. Most judgemental people on earth (I mean it, every breath you take there’s gossip about it)
  9. Confident yet very ignorant
  10. Poor yet very arrogant
  11. Religious but no morals
  12. Corrupt (look at today’s politicians)
  13. Authoritarian parents
  14. Whiners (every law the government tries to implement there is always a protest)

    Edit 27 Feb 2021: When I meant this, this was supposed to mean that if you’re not a political ally, you’ll find yourself getting protested by your opponents. That includes fake news against yourself and falsified evidence.
  15. No passion, they do everything for money but not for what they love
  16. No decorum, look at the cities squatters are everywhere
  17. Culture of smart-shaming, it’s as if they can't bear to accept someone is smarter than them yet they have the lowest IQ in ASEAN (86)
  18. Irresponsible people

There you have it, it’s more fun in the Philippines

Edit: 13 June 2020

About no. 14:

I understand protests but not every law, every year. As of now, a protest for the implementation of a controversial law is VERY, VERY UNDERSTABLE. When the protesters include lawyers, political science students, economists, victims of police brutality and injustice, you'll know that the implementation of this law is VERY, VERY SERIOUS.

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