Tuesday, July 19, 2022

If Michael Jackson were alive today, what would he be doing?

It is, of course, hard to say. Michael not only would have had to be alive but, healthy and strong too. I don’t think he would be touring anymore because, when he was young it took a lot out of him both physically and emotionally. Plus, he would have been bringing his children up at the same time. He would be coming up to 64 now so, he probably, and rightly, would be doing more of the things that he had never had time for. Also, his dream lay in film making, producing, directing etc so, perhaps we would have seen him doing that. He had many projects in his mind when he passed and, for some time before but, didn’t have time to see them through to fruition , which was a shame as some of his projects sounded very good. He wouldn’t have done ‘just nothing’, he wasn’t the type of person to do that. He had talked to me about some of his projects and dreams for a few years and, they sounded really good. Tackling sensitive problems in connection with being a child and the ‘growing pains’ and, even bringing his own experiences to the fore. It would have been good both for others in a similar situation and, also for Michael himself, to finally open up like he had never done before. Some of what he talked to me about was quite sensitive and harrowing and, I was partially surprised that he was going there but, that is what he planned to do. Because I did shorthand, I felt like Michael’s secretary, taking down notes for him:). With my hair in a bun and my glasses I probably looked like one too, lol. Even at a more somber time like this we had fun. Some of the things I noted were sickening but, he said that it had to be done. He wanted to know other’s experience if abuse, including mine, as well as go into detail about his own, so, during those conversations there were many tears. But, rather than a book he said that he would like it to be a film, with him being himself and open minded. Hence, all of the notes, which became his latest reading material. If only, eh? Those notes remain secure so, please don’t ask me to reveal them, thanks. I do notice though that, since Michael had started to talk about abuse, many people have also had the confidence to open up about their own trauma. So, even now, it feels like Michael’s healing force is prominent. He would be delighted, bless him.

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