Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Why is Emilia Pérez controversial?


Where do we start…

Emilia Pérez is a musical, written and directed by a Frenchman, Jacques Audiard, about a Mexican drug lord who is transexual. In itself the story-line could be good, if treated maturely, objectively and nuanced, and not like the trillion-th shallow politicised woke cinema work to be created in our lifetimes.


If you go watch Emilia Pérez, you walk into the cinema to be politically lectured. Somehow, these people have not yet figured out that normal folks don't like that.

Emilia starts off as a macho man, stereotypical and quite flat all-Hispanic drug lord; he is evil, and his evilness is often linked to his manhood, in case you don't connect it. However, he realises he feels a woman, and starts thus a process in which he not only becomes trans, he becomes good. He is a drug lord, but all of his flat motivations just become sugar-coated and flashy, ‘cause he is no longer a straight man—duh!

All of it, while treating the issue of drug cartels in Mexico and other Latin American countries in a very insensitive manner all-around, perceived in details throughout.

If you just watch Sofía Vergara's series Griselda about a Colombian housewife of a drug lord, who is forced to flee and gets into the world of drugs herself, it is FAR better. It is still a woman who becomes the boss of a drug cartel, you can make a political reading for Feminism in order to be happy in life if you want… but it is mature, it is logical, and it is coherent.

The plot of Emilia Pérez is but dumb garbage ideological wet dream: shallow, nonsensical and too obvious.


But that is not even half the controversy, the whole thing is a patronising xenophobic mockery of Hispanics as an ethnicity, starting with the most fundamental: the actors. The main character, Emilia Pérez, is Mexican, but she is played by a trans Spaniard, Karla Sofía Gascón… just in case foreigners don't get it, your language has accents, so does OURS.

Imagine Peter Parker, from Queens, New York, speaking with a southern London accent. Well, that is Emilia. This is a lack of care and interest in the Hispanic world, that you are making a movie inside of, that is insulting.

But it gets better, because Selena Gómez, a Texan lady of Mexican descent, plays Emilia's wife. Alright, let's just assume his wife is Mexican: it doesn't matter, because Selena's problem is she CAN'T speak Spanish. So what you have is a strongly English-accented and non-fluent Mexican wife of a Spain-accented supposedly Mexican man.

Superb, the care and insight shown by the movie team in Hispanic realities is mind-blowing.

When the Hispanic public criticised Selena's Spanish, out of any US middle-school class asking where the toilet is, they were insulted using a gazilion identity arguments, in the purest of woke US styles. So now we have to pretend that Selena has a right to deform the Spanish language, because she is Hispanic.

However, the culprit came when Mr Audiard said:

Spanish is a language of developing countries, of poor people, modest cultures of immigrants and refugees

This is the typical projecting effect, when the hubs of moral righteousness (the Church, the left) contain the most immoral people trying to drawn their inadequacy. Here Mr Audiard is a deep and profound Hispanophobe, not just showed in his lack of care for Hispanic realities, but in his own plain RACISM, verbally expressed towards the Spanish language or “modest” Hispanic cultures.

Btw, he only speaks French, he cannot say a word of Spanish, and he cannot say a word of English. He is a nepobaby of posh French background, playing woke because he thinks that is working class—like Hollywood in their whole selves actually. Here, it seems, some of their big tricks, like Cultural Appropriation, don't apply; you know, ape not kill ape: woke not cancel woke.


But the plot twist came just recently, when people started to look into the actors' past. Many Hispanics attacked Audiard as Hispanophobic, trivialising and patronising towards the cultures he protrays in the movie. While the American academia gave him FOUR Golden Globes and 13 nominations to the Oscars.

For context, that is Titanic or Forrest Gump equivalent.

Of course the American academia playing completely deaf to Hispanics being racially INSULTED in the most blunt of manners by a posh White Frenchman, because all of them are deep-down just as racist as ever, and this movie is simply meant to signal their wokeness. Valient and emboldened, Audiard replied:

“If I am angering Fascists that means I'm doing a good work”

When Fascism becomes an empty tribal label, to the point the actual Fascist (Audiard) insulting Hispanics as an inferior ethnicity has the balls to say the victims are the Fascist ones, cause he is woke!

People got angry, and looked into their past, turns out that the main character, Gascón, before becoming woke for the movie, posted things like these on Twitter:

“How many times will we have to retake our country from the Muslims? They are invading us all over…”

“Look at their poor women, they just allow them a square in the face to breathe, and politicians import this into our societies and let them stay unadapted.

I want to cry.”

Karla Sofía Gascón, is an anti-Muslim immigration trans woman, and the new woke brand of the movie does not allow this. She isn't stupid, unlike much of the left she does know who her long-term enemies are as an LGBT woman, she is more simply a fraud playing tribal politics for movie clout.

So Gascón had to eliminate her Twitter account, and the anti-Fascist-though-Fascist director has not commented. The production will no longer pay Gascón's appearances in public for promotion, nor her stays or transport, while they have not BLINKED at the statements from Audiard. Because institutional Cancel Culture belongs to one side.

We will see how many Oscars they get, but rest assure if they don't win a ton it will be because Gascón turned out the wrong kind of trans, not because Audiard called the Spanish language and its cultures inferior.

All I hope is they get nominated to the Spanish Goyas, to see a certain gabacho deal with Spanish crowds live, if he has the balls to cross the Pyrenees.


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