My top 5 suggestions. And I’ve celebrated the 20th anniversary of my 50th birthday and plan to still live a long life.
1. Plan.
Many people sort of fall into older life. They never wanted to think about it because, well, it’s not fun really. So they show up in their 70’s with too little money and too many health issues. Instead, plan your life to be healthy, happy and prosperous in your 70’s. Then you’ll want to live long beyond 70.
2. Purpose.
Many people, after they retire, wake up each day with few goals and little purpose. Then the days drag and they grow bored with the idea of living long. Instead, either don’t retire or fill your life with a new career and meaningful activities. Then you’ll want to live long beyond 70.
3. Love.
Many people in their 70’s grow disconnected from others. They’ve lost relationships with their colleagues, family, friends and sometimes their spouse. So their days are filled with loneliness and little motivation to live long. Instead, fill your life with friends and family. As you lose some make new ones. Then you’ll want to live long beyond 70.
4. Gratitude.
Many people in their 70’s grow morose. They focus on all they’ve lost. They remember the good old days and forget they often weren’t happy in them either. And they feel little reason to live long. Instead, fill each day with gratitude for all you have. Choose to focus on your blessings rather than challenges. Then you’ll want to live long beyond 70.
5. Peace.
Many people in their 70’s struggle with peace in life. They regret mistakes of the past and worry about their future. So instead of it being the best time of life it’s one they put up with and don’t wish to prolong. Instead, through spirituality or whatever other means works for you find peace every day. Then you’ll want to live long beyond 70.
Planning for and living well motivates you want to live long. So plan for it, live it and enjoy it.
To live a long life you need to have a reason to live it every day.
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