Sunday, December 29, 2024

Some Uyghurs I've seen look completely white or Caucasian. Are they still Chinese?


I am a native of Almaty. More than 200 thousand Uyghurs live in the Almaty state. Some Uyghurs look like Kazakhs, which makes it difficult for me to tell them apart from Kazakhs. There are half Uyghurs who may have a Turkish or Azerbaijani father, but this is rare. If Uighurs in Kazakhstan now enter into interethnic marriages, it is most often with Uzbeks, Kazakhs, and Tatars. In the USSR, Uighur women often married Russians, even Jews. The Uyghurs in Kazakhstan are heavily Russified, they know that they are Uyghurs, but they are not aware that the Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, Tatars, and Uzbeks are related groups. Other Turks in Kazakhstan have the same low level of knowledge about their roots and relatives. These are echoes of the Soviet policy of dividing the Turks, Muslims and creating the Soviet man.

In general, the Uyghurs of Almaty are similar to the average resident of Central Asia. To say that they look like whites or Caucasians - you probably fell from an oak tree and hit your head hard.

Members of the white race will never say that this Uyghur looks like a German, Slav, Scandinavian or Italian. Kazakhs know how to distinguish even the most Mongoloid Kazakh from a Korean or Chinese, just as not a single European will say that a Uighur looks like a white person.

Even those Uyghurs who stand out for their more Iranian appearance look at most like half-Pashtuns. But no more.

Now I will attach photos of Uighurs, they are taken from open sources. A feature common to all Uyghurs is dark skin.

I'll start by posting a photo of a Uyghur activist who was sentenced to death by China. This is Sattar Sawut. My endless respect to him.

Here is a statue of the head of Kul Tegin, king of East Turkestan, 7th century. I don't see Caucasian or white features in his face ๐Ÿ‘‡

Kul Tegin on an old Kazakh banknote ๐Ÿ‘‡

Let's move on

Here is a video from the Uyghur Garfen Channel

Uyghur dance group from Kazakhstan ๐Ÿ‘‡

Here's another, Uyghur singers. I see East Asians, they are dark, which is explained by the fact that the Uyghurs have been farming under the scorching sun for centuries.

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