Thursday, February 15, 2024

How to Attract Men: 7 Scientific Proven Ways to Attract Him

1. Kindness

Did you know that there’s one personality trait that is crazy important in a relationship? Yep. You guess it. It’s kindness.

In a research study put on by David M. Buss from the University of Texas at Austin, it was found that, worldwide, kindness was one of the traits most desired in a mate by both men and women. Here’s what the study said:

“Kindness is linked with a cooperative disposition, interest in long-term relationships, ability to form social alliances, and empathy in rearing children.”

So even if you aren’t looking for long-term or having kids with a guy, know that kindness can go a long way. How can you be kind and attract the right man?

2. Youthfulness

The definition of youthfulness is: behavior or appearance characteristic of young people.

Most people think this has to do with age, but I think youthfulness has more to do with attitude.

3. Women With High Self-Worth, AKA High-Value Women

If you want to know how to attract men, know your worth and own it.

4. Curves

If you’ve got that classic hourglass shape (think Sophia Loren, Linda Carter, Marilyn Monroe), you’re in luck.

5. Indicators of Interest

Researchers who study speed dating events — where men and women basically make decisions in mere minutes about whether they’re attracted to someone or not — found that simply showing interest can build attraction.

6. Positive Attitude

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to get that a positive attitude is attractive. Clearly, being negative has never gotten you very far in life or love.

Men are attracted to pleasant, positive, and overall cheerful women. You’re probably attracted to men with those same characteristics. Am I right?

7. Honesty

It’s not like you needed another reason to be honest (you should be anyway, not just to attract a man), but research finds that people who are considered honest come off as more fit, healthy, and kind.

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