Thursday, March 14, 2024

Accepting the natural things of life can be a great sign of maturity.

One day, Death crossed a forest and met a little girl.

The girl, looking at Death riding his beautiful horse, asked:

"Have you lost your way too?"

Death looked at her and with a smile replied:

"Yes, do you know the way to get back to your home?"

The girl replied:

"No, but now I don't feel alone and scared anymore, because you are with me."

Death, surprised, said:

"Aren't you afraid of me, knowing who I am?"

The girl calmly answered:

"If you've come for me, that's okay, but I ask you for just one favor."

Death asked, "And what would that favor be?"

The girl, with a sad expression, replied:

"Save my mother, she is very ill. I went out to look for medicinal herbs in the forest and got lost. What worries me most is that if I don't return, my mother will die from the illness and from sadness. We are alone at home. Father died a year ago and since then, mother has taken care of me and the house."

Death's smile faded and for the first time felt sadness: she was about to take the child.

So they continued to walk until they reached the road that led them back to their house.

Before leaving the forest, the girl stopped and asked:

"Why can't we go further?"

Death replied, "This is as far as I can go."

The girl, surprised, said:

"Then... where will you take me if I go with you?"

Death looked into her little eyes and answered: "No... Neither you nor your mother will come with me today.

"Go take care of her, I will return in time and she will come with me."

The girl clung to her leg, looking up as her beautiful steed neighed, and said,

"Thank you! I will wait for you with joy, because I know that you are not evil!

Death gathered his horse and disappeared from sight into the darkness of the forest.

Everything will come at the appointed time, by something called fate. Not before, not after, but at the right time.

Accepting the natural things of life (like the inevitable arrival of death) can be a great sign of maturity. The sooner it is resolved, the better 

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