Friday, March 15, 2024

What is your opinion about a well-trimmed beard vs stubble on a guy in terms of attractiveness?

Profile photo for Kittie Rayborn

As Laurie Camp says, it really depends on the man. Confidence and personality are much more important than how one’s facial hair is groomed.

Some guys are going to be hot in my opinion no matter how they shave (or don’t).

Other guys are just not attractive to me regardless, so it’s a moot point.

There’s no accounting for taste!

I’m not personally a fan of beards in general, though there are plenty of exceptions that prove the rule.

There are times facial hair can detract from a guy’s attractiveness, unfortunately.

I think this guy would look way better without the beard. 

While other times facial hair makes a guy way more attractive, if it’s the right kind.

Stubble can be tricky - if it’s not maintained meticulously it can look messy and unkempt. But when it’s done right, it can be very hot.

So…if I had a younger brother who wanted to know how he should wear his facial hair to attract women, here’s what I’d tell him.

“C’mere, Jethro, have a seat.

Hang on, let’s grab a glass of wine.

And a blankie. And a cat.


Okay, now we’re ready.

Wait, what were we talking about?

Oh, yeah.

You’re going to have to experiment to figure out what looks good on your own face.

Pick a certain beard or stubble or clean-shaven (but never mustachioed!) look that you admire and try to replicate it.

Get it right - this may take a few attempts, but it’s a long-term investment of your time and it’ll be worth it, I promise.

Once you’re pleased with the techincal execution — is it even? is it combed? is it clean? — find a few people whose opinions you trust.

This can be anybody, but you have to believe they’ll tell you the truth, as opposed to joking around or trying not to hurt your feelings.

Get half a dozen opinions on that particular style of facial hair. Take notes as you talk to each person - do they think it looks good on you? Why or why not? What would they suggest you do differently?

For each photo you’re going to jot a few things down (you can use a keyboard or a crayon or a stylus; I’m not judgey) about that style.

  1. How you felt with that beard or stubble or whatever
  2. Opinions and suggestions from people you trust
  3. What is required to create and maintain that facial hair, both in time and products

Then try your next facial hair style, repeating the process.

As you go through this process the opinions of your friends or little sister or crush or grandma or mailman will give you a baseline reading, but don’t take it too seriously.

You see, there’s one person whose opinion matters more than anyone’s, and we haven’t consulted him yet.

That’s you, of course.

Line up the photos of yourself with the different facial hair styles. Really look at them and ask yourself what you think. Read your notes and figure out how you want to style your face right now.

I mean, it’s just hair — it does grow back. It’s not like you’re committing to a lifetime of the same beard. You can change it anytime you like!

The most important thing is that you’re being your usual funny, smart, confident, charming self — how could anyone resist that?!?

And, Jethro, I know we talk about it all the time, but if a girl (or a guy!) is right for you nothing as dumb as facial hair is going to fuck it up.

I’m sure you’ll manage that all by yourself.”

Regarding moustaches:

I have never in my life seen a man who looked better with a moustache than with either a clean-shaven or a bearded face (or somewhere in between).

It is my opinion that moustaches are silly and ineffectual and any man wearing one is not entirely to be trusted.

Mo’vember — worst month of the year. All those normally nice-looking guys with those caterpillars on their upper lips. <<shudder>>



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