Thursday, March 14, 2024

Who were some of the most scandalous world leaders?

Italy’s very own Silvio Berlusconi probably takes the cake. Probably? Make that, definitely. Berlusconi was the ultimate party animal even well into his seventies. He was famously corrupt, too, but his hedonistic and excessive personal life was the stuff of legends. Most famous of all were his “bunga bunga” parties, which were more or less just orgies in his villa.

In one of these infamous orgies, a girl named Ruby played a key role — ploughed generously by both Berlusconi and his friends, she went home with some fat wads of cash, and that would have been the end of the story… were it not for the fact that young Ruby was a mere sixteen(!) years old, while the Prime Minister of Italy was already in his seventies. Throughout his tenure, he was little more than a bonobo in a suit, just banging anything with a heartbeat and mighty proud of it.

His response? Just, laugh it off. Shrug it off. “I’m a man, baby, I do whatever I want, boys will be boys!” Berlusconi never took responsibility for any of the things he did wrong, for any of the things he was accused of. He just made a big joke of it all, the way he made a big joke of his country for years. Like that time he was supposed to meet with Germany’s Angela Merkel and, like a child… hid behind a curtain! Or the time he fake-banged a female police officer from behind while she wasn’t aware.

Silvio Berlusconi did all sorts of wacky things. Such as build an entire airport that never operated just so his own construction company could make some dough. He was eventually banned from ever running in politics again… truly Caligula’s depraved descendant.

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