Friday, March 15, 2024

Do men look good clean shaven?

A Turkish Islamic preacher says men without beards cause 'indecent thoughts' in other men because they look like women. What do you think?

On the one hand, I wear a beard because I am neither a woman nor a child.

On the other hand, as a straight man I’ve never wanted to fuck another man, even if he is a beardless effeminate freak.

If an imam is claiming that “beardless men lead to sinful thoughts”, really that just sounds like he’s admitting to being a bisexual who likes clean-shaven twinks. Which is fine if that’s your jam. I really don’t care.

But the important part is that it’s immoral to try to control the behavior of other people just because you cannot control your own feelings. While beardless men are sad, sorry, degenerate children aping adulthood that’s no reason to strap them down and spank them until they grow proper beards like real men.

I’ll end this answer with a picture of the bearded god Mat Best, because I feel like fucking with Dan Bradbury.

Enjoy. :P

PS-For the love of god, before anyone suffers an aneurysm at the beardless freak mockery, it’s 99% tongue-in-cheek. If I couldn’t be sarcastic I’m not sure how I’d communicate with the world apart from grunting and banging things with rocks.

Original question-A Turkish Islamic preacher says men without beards cause 'indecent thoughts' in other men because they look like women. What do you think?

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