Tuesday, March 19, 2024

All About Wolves

My favorite wild animal is this long, giant, hairy and graceful animal known as Wolf.


  • You don't see wolves in circuses because wolf cannot be kept as a pet. In simple words they cannot be enslaved.
  • Wolves are the largest animals of dog family. Their bite are 6 time stronger than Dogs and they have one of the strongest jaws among animals.
  • Wolves are the most united animals (more united than humans) and always live in packs. A single pack contains 9-20 wolves. They hunt together, they eat together and protect each other at the time of need. The Alpha male is the strongest of the pack that lead the pack.
  • Wolves are the most loyal animals. Wait, loyal here don't means loyalty to humans. They are loyal with each other. Once a wolf has found a mate, they usually stay together for life.
  • Wolves have been a notorious villain of fables and fairy tales for centuries yet this innocent animal has done little to zero to deserve this post.
  • Wolves fear men the most and are probably the most persecuted animal on the earth.
  • Centuries ago hunting of wolves became so common that they were on the verge to extinction but its intelligence and flexibility saved it from extinction.
  • Howling is the most effective method of communication of wolves. A single wolf's howling can be heard up to 10 km.
  • A wolf can hear 20 time better than humans.
  • A single wolf can travel 200 km within 24 hour.
  • Some people believe they are suffering from lycanthropy, a belief that they could turn into wolf.
  • A wolf that by some chance separated from the pack is known as “Lone Wolf".

Edit#1: Maximum bite force a dog can exert is only 330 pounds (Rottweiler Dogs are at the top) where as a wolf can exert a maximum bite force of 1200-1400 pounds. 

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