Thursday, March 14, 2024

Who are the top 20 corrupt politicians in the world?

Profile photo for Devansh Dubey

Some of the most corrupt politicians are

  • Mohamed Suharto, President of Indonesia (1967 – 1998). Amount embezzled - $13 billion to 35 billion

He was the second president of Indonesia and the most corrupted leader the world has ever seen .He held the office for about 31 years .

Ferdinand Marcos, President of the Philippines (1965 – 1986)

Amount Embezzled: $5 billion to $10 billion Years in office: 21 years

The tenth president of Philippines and the most corrupted politician of Philippines .In his last year he fled to USA .

Mobutu Sese Seko, President of Zaire now Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) (1965 – 1997)

Amount Embezzled: $4 to $5 billion | Years in Office: 32

Sani Abacha, President of Nigeria (1993 – 1998)

Amount Embezzled: $2 billion to $5 billion | Years in Office: 5

Zine Al-Abidine Ben Ali, President of Tunisia (1987 to 2011)

Amount Embezzled: $1.0 billion to $2.6 billion | Years in Office: 23

Slobodan Milosevic, President of Serbia/Yugoslavia (1989 – 2000)

Amount Embezzled: $1 billion | Years in Office: 11

Jean-Claude Duvalier, President of Haiti (1971 – 1986)

Amount Embezzled: $300 million to $800 million | Years in Office: 15

Alberto Fujimori, President of Peru (1990 – 2000)

Amount Embezzled: $600 million | Years in Office: 10

Pavlo Lazarenko, Prime Minister of Ukraine (1996 – 1997)

Amount Embezzled: $114 million to $200 million | Years in Office: 1

Arnoldo Aleman, President of Nicaragua (1997 – 2002)

Amount Embezzled: $100 million | Years in Office: 5

Resource : 10 Most Corrupt World Leaders of Recent History 

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