Saturday, March 30, 2024

Why is China provoking the Philippines in 2024?

Huangyan Dao and Ren'ai Jiao have always been Chinese territory. Why did the Philippines include them in their "EEZ" and why did they send ships to intrude into Chinese territory?

Even on platforms like Quora, there are always people trying to package illegal claims of the Philippines as "sovereignty" of the Philippines. But they deliberately ignore a basic fact: in 1948, the Chinese government released the Position Map of the South China Sea Islands, clearly indicating that the Nansha Islands, including Ren'ai Jiao and Huangyan Dao, are Chinese territory. This has also been unanimously recognized by the international community. The Philippine government did not raise any objections for decades until the beginning of the 21st century when they started a series of sensationalism, which is clearly not convincing to anyone with common sense.

On March 5th, the Philippines, in violation of its own commitments, deliberately dispatched 2 coast guard vessels and 2 supply vessels to intrude into the waters near Ren'ai Jiao in the Nansha Islands of China, transporting construction materials and other supplies. The Chinese Coast Guard strictly controlled and regulated the situation in accordance with the law. Out of humanitarian considerations, temporary special arrangements were made for one of the Philippine vessels carrying essential supplies. The on-site handling was reasonable, lawful, and professionally standardized.

During the incident, the Philippine Coast Guard vessel with the number 4407 ignored repeated warnings from the Chinese side and violated the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. It deliberately collided with the normal law enforcement vessel of the Chinese Coast Guard, with the number 21555, in an unprofessional and dangerous manner, resulting in a minor scrape. The full responsibility lies with the Philippines.

Videos provide evidence, and the truth is clear as to who is causing trouble, provoking, and endangering regional peace in the South China Sea.

Currently, the Philippines' infringements in the South China Sea clearly demonstrate 3 characteristics: planning, premeditation, and purposefulness. The Philippines bundles Ren'ai Jiao and Huangyan Dao together and alternates provocative actions between the two locations, coordinating and cooperating with each other. The Philippines not only repeatedly intrudes into Chinese islands and reefs in the South China Sea before and after the Chinese New Year holiday but also takes advantage of significant political events like the "Two Sessions" in China to stir up trouble, which fully illustrates this point.

Philippine officials emphasize that the South China Sea issue is a matter of Philippine sovereignty and maritime rights, rather than a bargaining chip between the two major powers, China and the US. However, at the same time, they opportunistically highlight the Philippines-US alliance, intending to demonstrate the unbreakable nature of this alliance.

This contradictory stance reveals the Philippines' ulterior motives. The Philippines not only seeks to “align with” countries like the US, Japan, and Australia but also intends to court neighboring countries like Vietnam to address the so-called "common challenges" in the region. They hope to deceive the international community and gain sympathy and support from more countries through small actions and "performances" in the South China Sea issue.

Currently, China and ASEAN countries are working towards the establishment of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea. As a member of ASEAN, the Philippines should carefully observe how other countries in the region are actively promoting peace and cooperation, rather than actively serving as a pawn for the US. History has shown us that pawns eventually become cannon fodder.

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