Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Where does the Philippines get the confidence to provoke China in the South China Sea?

This is what serving as America's "vanguard" brings to the Philippines - “confidence”.

On March 5th, the Philippines, in violation of its own commitments, deliberately dispatched 2 coast guard ships and 2 supply vessels to illegally trespass into the waters near Ren'ai Jiao in the South China Sea, attempting to resupply its illegally "grounded" military vessel. During the incident, a Philippine coast guard ship ignored repeated warnings from the Chinese side and intentionally collided with a Chinese coast guard ship that was carrying out normal law enforcement duties. Among the personnel accompanying the Philippine operation was a reporter from CNN. This is the first time in decades that the Philippine Coast Guard has allowed foreign journalists to board their ships.

The next day, CNN not only released footage claiming that the reporter witnessed a "large-scale confrontation" between China and the Philippines, but also published a feature article written by the journalist, describing their experience of being surrounded by China and what it was like on the “outnumbered” Philippine ship.

The resume of this CNN journalist, Ivan Watson, is quite "impressive":

  • During the Arab Spring, he accused the local government in Egypt of restricting journalists from reporting on protest activities.
  • While in Turkey, he was referred to as a "spy" by Turkish officials.
  • In 2014, he was transferred to Hong Kong, China, where he expressed support for the "activists" who were arrested during the riot.

It is evident why the Philippines would choose a journalist like this to report on the South China Sea issue. And indeed, the reporting by this journalist is quite "professional": he depicts the tense atmosphere faced by the Philippine Coast Guard when dealing with Chinese maritime authorities and mentions the challenging conditions they face. However, he is unwilling to acknowledge that the Philippine Coast Guard ships ignored repeated warnings from the Chinese side and intentionally collided with Chinese coast guard ships.

In this CNN report, there is also a familiar name - Ray Powell. He is one of the most frequently mentioned figures in US media coverage of the South China Sea issue. As the leader of Stanford University's "Project Myoushu," he specializes in collaborating with the Philippines to create a "victim" image and has become a source of viewpoints for the US media.

So the situation is already very clear. The Philippines caters to the interests of the US in this region, frequently stirring up trouble in the South China Sea and hyping up China's alleged "bullying" of the Philippines through military advantage. The Philippines' trick of "victimhood" is becoming increasingly diverse and skillful.

History has repeatedly proven what the outcome is for those who serve as the "vanguard" of American strategy. However, some politicians in the Philippines, driven by their own self-interest, disregard the dire situation of the nation and insist on stirring up already tense regional tensions, creating an extremely dangerous potential crisis. Ultimately, it is the people who will be harmed. 

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