Monday, November 14, 2022


Telling yourself “yes I can” doesn’t mean that from one moment to the next you will find the inner strength to overcome your own expectations, conquer your fears and overcome conformity.

“Motivation” in many cases generates injuries in one of the following 4 aspects: Corporal, work, spiritual and mental.

BODY: You finally decided, after a long time of being sedentary, to start an exercise routine. So you join the nearest gym and buy your favorite brand of sportswear so that your butt looks spectacular while doing squats, so far we are good.

But then you make the mistake of comparing yourself to those around you at the gym, or wanting to impress the pretty girl who works out on the same schedule as you.

So you try to carry more weight than you should, run longer than your knees can handle, and spend more time in the sauna than your dehydrated body can handle. All because you said to yourself: “Yes I can”.

When it comes to our body, we have to go at our own pace. Without comparing ourselves with those who clearly have more time than us training.

Even when the pretty girl comes up to you to say: “Come on, you can”, you should answer her with: “I can’t, not yet, I’m starting, but soon”, and then ask her for her number like a champion.

Doing so will save you from injury. I have made this mistake several times, leading me to spend days in bed without being able to move.

LABOR: Imagine that you lie in a job interview saying that you speak English, you lie to yourself saying: “I’ll start studying and that’s it”. With your words you manage to deceive the person who interviewed you and then be hired in a position in which you are not qualified at all.

In a short time they discover that you only know 30 words in the language and you don’t even know how to join one with the other.

The company lost business opportunities by motivating yourself with a “Yes I can.” Then you get fired, no job reference, and an annoying boss takes it upon himself to let everyone in your industry know not to hire you.

When artificially motivating yourself negatively affects others, makes you look bad by not delivering, or puts your entire career at risk, you need to come clean. At these times it is preferable to say: “I can’t speak English, but I am learning”.

You will rescue your reputation by doing so.

SPIRITUAL: Today it is very easy for me to tell people that forgiving someone who hurt you is without a doubt the best gift you can give your spirit, but forgiving is a process that can take years.

Reading a book about the importance of putting the past behind you, focusing on your future, and creating a better life day after day sounds very appealing to a person who constantly sinks himself remembering what was done to him.

But genuine forgiveness needs reasons, so we don’t end up bouncing back to the same type of person we once were.

In my case, I forgave my father by changing my perspective of the situation, I stopped seeing him as a perfect being, I appreciated his humanity in the same way as day after day I learn about mine. This gave me the necessary reasons, we are all human with the right to make mistakes. I affirmed this learning when I also got divorced.

No one can force you to forgive, there is nothing wrong with saying “I can’t, I’m not ready”. The important thing is to give forgiveness a chance, but not force it.

Doing so will rescue you from going back. The most important things in our life are the ones we keep, not the ones we start.

MENTAL: The level of arrogance in some people is unbearable. There are those who think they are superior to others because they have more money, studies or possessions. They minimize anyone who is not at their “level” by looking down on them. These types of people have not understood life, the fact that we all have something to contribute beyond our economic or social status.

There is always something we can learn from a third party. Like when we remember the importance of having fun with little things when we see a child kicking a can towards two stones and then shouting: Goal! It just takes an open mind, a humble heart and a willingness to grow.

In those moments when we don’t know how to do something, it is best to say, “I don’t know how to do it,” and allow someone else to solve the problem or teach us the process. What we know is more than what we don’t know.

This will rescue us from arrogance, the weapon of those who are not right.

The motivation in our life must be based on reality, not fantasy. A hero does not lie to himself if he wants something, he takes the necessary steps without allowing himself to be rushed by another.

Your only competition is against the reflection of the mirror.

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