Thursday, November 03, 2022

What are some secret things that women will never tell men?

Bella Smith 

  • Unlike men, women are not primarily driven by looks. Most often than not, we will decide if we are attracted to a man because of how that man makes us feel.
  • Our heart jumps everytime we see your name in the notification of our post (like, comment)
  • Not all the time, we like to be dependent on you. Sometimes we like to support you financially as well as mentally.
  • We feel special when you remember small details about us.
  • We love it when you open up to us, when you tell us about your fears, your worst problems, your inner demon. It makes us feel that we are really important to you.
  • We are possessive by nature. We easily get jealous when we see you talking with other girls.
  • We know how we look, still, we ask you because we love it when you appreciate our beauty.
  • We find intelligence without arrogance sexy. It’s extremely sexy when a man knows how to maintain his intelligence without riding a high horse in the process.
  • Your deep, masculine voice is like a music in our ears.
  • …and the sound of your laugh, oh my… it melts our heart.
  • We want a man who is in control but not controlling. There’s a difference.
  • We hardly share any post or status without any cause…there’s always some reason or story behind posting it.
  • We don’t give up easily on a man who we love, but once we're done, no matter what you do, we never come back.
  • Like you stare at girls, we too stare at boys, in fact, better than you.
  • When we're into you, you talking dirty turn us on.
  • We love it if you tell your parents and friends about us. It means a lot.
  • We love it when you caught us staring at you and ask "what..?"
  • We love it when you explain our importance in your life. We may be denying some of your points but we blush or feel extremely happy from inside.
  • Our libido is triggered by our emotions and not what we can only see. So set aside your hopes of women being turned on by your abs alone. Feed our emotion and everything else will follow.
  • We secretly waiting for you to text us first.
  • Women do not want to be with a Bad Boy. What women want is to be with a Nice Guy that is confident and a leader; who holds boundaries, respects himself and with massive sex appeal.
  • Old fashioned gestures never gets old for us. (Eg. Open doors, pull out chairs) Men, do not let chilvalry die.
  • No woman wants to be with a weak man. We love dominance at times.
  • An open minded man is a great man. Someone who isn't biased against race, religion or opinions.
  • When we say "I love you", we mean it.


Three magic words every woman wants to hear other than I love you:

I appreciate you.


Thanks for scrolling. I'm Bella

You can also read some of my writings on Medium

Have a great day ahead world ;)

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