Saturday, November 05, 2022

What are some things you realize as you get older?

Shirley Lee

  1. Loneliness doesn’t stop when we are surrounded by people. It stops when we are seen for who we truly are.
  2. Actions and words both have value, it’s when the two don’t align that the value is lost.
  3. Our partner cannot fulfill our needs, and it’s not their job to do so.
  4. If it doesn’t bring peace, profits, or purpose, then don’t give it your time, energy, or attention.
  5. A lot of conversations need to be had in person. Tones need to be heard, facial expressions need to be seen.
  6. Your greatest test will be how you handle people who mishandled you.
  7. You can mute people in real life too. It’s called boundaries.
  8. Never lose your self-respect for someone who doesn’t care about your feelings and emotions.
  9. Some people will always be important, with or without a conversation.
  10. When you care for someone more than they deserve, you get hurt more than you deserve.
  11. The people we choose to spend time with will shape who we become.
  12. Life hack: Replace judgment with curiosity.

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