Sunday, November 06, 2022

What is the exhibitionist narcissist GOD defense?

Elinor Greenberg

I train psychotherapists to diagnose and treat narcissistic disorders. I am always looking for easy ways for my students to remember my main points. I created a simple and apt mnemonic to help them remember the main defense that Exhibitionist Narcissists use. It is actually a combination psychological defense and weapon.

The GOD Defense

G for Grandiosity

O for Omnipotence

D for Devaluation

Here is how the above GOD defense plays out as a weapon as well as a defense against needing to take responsibility for bad behavior or admitting a mistake.

Example —The Scenario

You get hurt or insulted by something your Exhibitionist Narcissistic mate or your parent or your friend does. You express your feelings and expect the person to apologize. Instead they employ the GOD defense against you and say something terribly insulting like the following:

You don’t know what you are talking about (Devaluation). You are too dumb to understand my point (Devaluation + Grandiosity). You should know by now that I am always right and you are always wrong (Omnipotence, Grandiosity, and Devaluation).

Punchline: Once you understand what I term the Exhibitionist Narcissist’s GOD defense, you will be able to notice how often they use it. It is a bit like the Swiss Army Knife—an all-purpose tool that people with the Exhibitionist subtype of NPD use regularly and relentlessly.


Elinor Greenberg, PhD, CGP

In private practice and the author of the book: Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid Adaptations.

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