Friday, November 04, 2022

What are some psychological facts about attracting people?

Arun Vijay

Psychological features that attract people :

  • Smiling mesmerizes people. The world is unhappy by default, therefore people find you attractive if you put on a constant smile on your face. When you put on a smile, people tend to ignore your other features like looks and, instead, focus on your smile.
  • People attracted to “positive” people. After all, philosophy is all about “hope” and religion preaches nothing else but “faith.”
  • Confidence is attractive ! , After all, the word “shy” is a nickname for low self-esteem.
  • Be kind. Kindness is never overrated.
  • “Women are meant to be loved, not understood,” said Oscar Wilde. No wonder females are attracted to guys who know how to love them right!
  • Women are more influenced by how a man smells than how he looks… Men choose your fragrance nicely.
  • Dating is a game of scarcity. Show your interest to a woman and disappear. You will be more valuable in her eyes.
  • Text less to attract more. Texting should be the least preferred communication mode because it hides your expressions and body language that are crucial for attraction.
  • People with a great sense of humor are attractive.
  • Women are more attracted to men wearing blue, and men are more attracted to women wearing red.
  • Making eye contact with a complete stranger could promote attraction and intimacy.
  • Last but not least, nothing is more attractive than embracing the motto: you might as well be yourself because everyone else is already taken!


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