Friday, November 25, 2022

What is it like to have a Filipina wife?

I met my wife on a dating site dedicated to Filipino girls, and there is a distinct differences between girls from the Philippines and those born and raised in America, or any other westernized culture, for that matter. First, Philippines girls are taught from the time they are little girls clear into adulthood that the most important role they will ever play is that of a wife and mother. The concept of male and female equality doesn’t make sense, as they feel that men and women (although being equal in importance) have distinct roles in society and in the family. Second, there is no divorce in the Philippines, so when a Philippine girl gets married, she gets married for life. Her commitment to the family and her husband come before any career or outside interest. Third, morality and chastity are treasured, and it is a common saying that the most precious gift a girl can give her husband is her virginity.

I have been married to my wife for 18 years now, and we have been blessed with 2 beautiful children. Although there have been many struggles, marrying her is the best single decision I have ever made.

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