Monday, November 07, 2022

Is Prince Charles widely regarded as the most handsome royal?

Without the beard, he’s a sausage-fingered old chap who one would more commonly find in a countryside pub somewhere watching a football match. Perhaps, a gardener, someone who’s worked out in the field quite a bit, ruddy complexion, a day lived under sun, rain, outside no matter what to tend to his beloved flowers and hedges… A beard truly is a man’s make-up. Hides any unfortunate elements, gives a man a longer face, the appearance of a jawline. It’s brilliant, really. Plus — not all men can grow a solid beard. Charles’ beard has been luscious and thick ever since he was young. If you have it, why not flaunt it?

King Charles III has a first cousin, Prince Michael of Kent. Now Prince Michael, at eighty, is even older than Charles. But instead of looking like any other old dude, Michael of Kent has that special “something”. The IT-factor, as far as royals are concerned. And it’s all in the beard, baby. Look at Charlers’ cousin, and you get an idea of what could be if only he saw the light and embraced the glory of beardhood.

A white beard indicates wisdom, makes the wearer of the facial hair look distinguished, interesting. It’d help give Charles a bit of a grandfatherly appearance, which would in turn make him more approachable. King Charles isn’t the most handsome royal… but he could be.

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