Monday, November 14, 2022

How Intelligent Was Elvis Presley?

Azza Peterson

ELVIS 1977.

There are many good answers to this question, my view is that history tells us Elvis went to High School, had no college education but his intelligence was more inwards than outwardly evident.

To watch Elvis give interviews, he didn't come across as overly intelligent sometimes stumbling in his answers, he possessed a nervous stutter when talking even in his latter years in Vegas, but his charisma got him across the line and the ladies saw absolutely no hint or fault in his mannerisms.

Inwardly, it is known that Elvis was quite spiritual, his love of factual books, religions, why are we here, how did God make us, what is our/my purpose in life shows that Elvis was keenly aware of life's continual search to better one's standing and have inner peace.

He hung out with men, some of the Memphis Mafia who seem dim-witted in my view and who were sceptical of his hairdresser guru who introduced him to other interesting facets of life, happiness, soul-searching which Elvis obviously gravitated towards leaving them on the outer.

Col. Tom Parker had his spies always watching what Elvis was doing, who he was talking to and reported back to Parker who didn't want outside influences pushing Elvis into other directions that would hinder his and his manager's contractual obligations.

Elvis was no man's idiot, he searched, he thought about many diverse things, he tried to work out what direction he should go in.

His devotion to his parents Vernon and Gladys and religion are well documented. Celebrities quite often noted how extremely polite, friendly and courteous he was when they met him. This stems from his mother's early life lessons.

The poverty Elvis grew up stayed in his mind and was mentioned as one of his biggest fears, to lose everything, with that in mind wherever possible Elvis looked after friends, family and total strangers financially, something another former poor superstar did, Bob Marley who cared less about his nett worth and more about making other people's lives better in small ways.

Elvis was intelligent, let's say smart enough to leave the financial planning to his manager Tom Parker who took advsntage of his fortunes. On the homefront, Elvis left the home finances to his resident livein dad, Vernon Elvis Presley who was by no means an accountant whizz!

Frugality wasn't one of Elvis's concerns, make money, keep people happy and taking care of business (his style) was good enough for him.

Elvis I can only guess tried to live up to a standard that he thought his mother would be proud of, and it is this personal commitment to better himself and provide for his family, friends and industry associates who were in daily contact with him.

Elvis was a smart guy, the only dumb thing about him was his way of counteracting his drug addictions by using drugs that could have less side affects when used together, these decisions and the neglect in my view of his doctor Nicopoulas's medical advice put him in the grave much earlier then should have.

The world misses out on many more years of entertainment, music and celebrity that was Elvis Presley

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