Sunday, March 09, 2025

Can cruise ship guests flirt with the employees?


There’s nothing stopping a guest from flirting with an employee. As for reciprocation…

If we’re operating strictly by the book, we’d not be allowed to flirt with guests. We live in a litigious world, and the cruise line is going to side with the guest if there is any complaint. Realistically, a little back and forth flirting can be carried out within reason. Little to no chance of having any trouble if you keep it light and complimentary.

The serious problems arise if things go beyond that. No touching outside of a handshake or fist bump. Some would say a hug is fine, though I personally would not hug a guest. Going a step further…

Guests are absolutely not allowed into crew areas, unless either escorted, or approved ahead of time. “Approved ahead of time” usually requires you to be a personal guest of an officer or officer-equivalent staff member, and these approvals usually have to be cleared before the guest ever comes on board.

Similarly, crew are not allowed into guest cabins without a specific business related justification. In my position, I had keys/cards that would let me access any guest cabin. But before I would use those keys, I’d have to have an assigned helpdesk ticket (my department serviced several in-cabin devices), sign for the key (room number and ticket number on the same line), knock on the door and announce myself, wait 10 or so seconds, repeat the knock/announce/repeat cycle 2 more times, and only then use the key to access the room. Once I’m inside, I’ll prop the door open so I am visible from the corridor. Even after all that, I’m encouraged (and sometimes required) to go with another crew member. CYA is one of our top policies.

Some of the older crew members I worked with said it was not always so strict. Hooking up with a guest was one of those “Just don’t get caught” level offenses. And if you did get caught, make sure there are no complaints. But that had become a Zero Tolerance policy years before I joined. On Royal, at the very least, but I suspect it is the same on all major lines.

Going on the Offensive

March 9, 2025
First Sunday of Lent (Year C)
Readings for Today

Image via picryl


Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the desert for forty days, to be tempted by the devil. Luke 4:1–2

If someone is attacked or feels threatened, it is common to be defensive. For example, if soldiers suddenly find themselves under attack from an enemy, they will most likely take up a defensive position. Similarly, when we feel personally attacked by another or are tempted by the devil, we will often try to defend ourselves. However, within the worlds of games, sports and military activity, there is a common adage that says, “the best defense is a good offense.” In other words, the best way to keep the opponent from winning is to go on the offensive rather than to sit back and take up a defensive position.

In many ways, this is what Jesus did when He entered the desert. He was aware that the evil one wanted to destroy Him. Therefore, when Jesus entered the desert for 40 days to pray and fast, He did so in a sort of offensive attack upon the devil. Jesus’ temptations in the desert were not primarily difficulties He had to endure and resist. Rather, they were first and foremost ineffective attacks from the evil one, because Jesus had already embraced the opposite virtues.

What temptations and sins are among your greatest struggles? In what ways do you find yourself experiencing defeat? In what ways have you taken up a defensive position to try to overcome your struggles? Too often we approach temptations in the wrong way. We see them as attacks from the evil one that we must resist and defend ourselves against. And though that is true, it is not the full truth. The full truth is that the best way to overcome the struggles we face is to confront them directly in a vigorous and offensive way by choosing the opposite virtue.

Consider the three temptations Jesus overcame in the desert: gluttony, vainglory and greed. Jesus’ entrance into the desert for those 40 days was the way by which He destroyed these temptations before they were even presented to Him. By voluntarily choosing to fast from food for those 40 days, Jesus rendered the temptation toward gluttony ineffective. By choosing the humility of entering into the solitude of the desert to be alone with His Father, Jesus robbed the temptation toward vainglory of its power. By choosing a life of poverty and simplicity, He overcame any temptation toward earthly wealth, even before it was offered to Him.

As we begin this forty-day Lenten journey, reflect, today, upon the sins and temptations in your life that need to be overcome. If you find yourself in an ongoing defensive position toward certain struggles, especially if you find yourself losing the battle at times, it’s time to change your strategy. Embrace the opposite virtue of the sins you are most tempted with this Lent. Embrace those virtues in an offensive manner. Choose kindness if you struggle with anger. Choose fasting if you struggle with gluttony. Choose generosity if you struggle with greed. Whatever your struggle, turn to the virtue you need the most and make it your focus this Lent so that you, too, will be well-prepared to reject the evil one and his lies when temptation comes your way.

My tempted Lord, You resisted all temptation in Your life by choosing every good virtue and living them to perfection. Please help me to see the virtues I need the most right now and give me the strength I need to run toward them this Lent with all my heart. Jesus, I trust in You.

Saturday, March 08, 2025

Is President Trump on Russia or Ukraine’s side?


Let us just review the cold hard facts for a moment — Trump stopped sending vitally important intel to Ukraine, which means Ukraine can no longer expect to anticipate on incoming Russian missile attacks or offensives.

He halted all military aid from going into Ukraine and is reviewing the lifting of sanctions on the Russian economy, even calling oligarchs “good people”.

On top of this he forbade NATO allies like the UK from sharing intel to Ukraine. And now the Trump team has begun talking to the Ukrainian opposition politicians.[1] As in, he openly wants to replace the current Ukrainian president because he won’t lie down and surrender…

Now the funny thing — when Trump’s people talked to the Ukrainian opposition, even those fiercely opposed to Zelensky’s leadership, they all reportedly told the Americans to fuck off. Even Timoshenko and Poroshenko do not want there to be elections right now. What’s more, all recent polls in Ukraine have shown the approval ratings of Zelensky have only risen following his verbal disagreement with Donald Trump and vice president J.D. Vance. Latest numbers have him at about 57% approval ratings although some polls even give a percentage as high as 64% which is pretty huge after three years of brutal war with no end in sight.

Donald Trump is not only denying critical support to Ukraine, he is even openly meddling in it’s internal affairs and making veiled threats about how “dictator” Zelensky “won’t be around for much longer”… so yes, he is absolutely siding with Russia against Ukraine. And only an incredibly naive and gullible person would believe otherwise at this point.


What’s your position on what the US should do in Ukraine?


It shouldn’t tell the world’s largest country to take a single solitary inch of Ukraine, a nation 28(!) times smaller than Russia… It should show actual strength and tell Russia to get bent and go home, or face the consequences.

The current position of the current American administration is for the country in yellow to surrender land to the country in red and reward it for it’s terror.

Because, obviously, the world’s largest country doesn’t have enough land to feel “secure” and needs more. This is completely absurd. But this is the world we live in.

The position of the US is a hypocritical one, and painfully two-faced… “Peace through strength” says President Trump. Then he lies down and tells the world: “Russia holds all the cards, Ukraine has none, they should surrender”. When all the information we have on what happened in the Ukrainian territory already occupied by Russia paints an incredibly bleak picture of what happens once Russia rolls in its tanks and men and starts murdering all those who oppose it…

In Bucha in 2022, Russia summarily executed about 500 people, many of them civilians. Nine of the unearthed bodies belonged to people under the age of 18. Anyone who doesn’t submit is murdered, or tortured then murdered. There are many examples of Russia brutally torturing and maiming prisoners of war, before summarily executing them. This is the future of Ukraine when Russia wins the war — far more people will die than will die if victory is found on the battlefield.

It is naive, furthermore, to think Russia cannot possibly run out of funds to fight the war, or men. In offensives, the attackers tends to lose more men than the attacked. With US ally and air defense missiles, Ukraine can easily hold out another year and Russia may very well not be able to last that long with hundreds of dead and wounded a day and Ukrainian drones hitting its oil refineries… if America wanted Ukraine to win, it’d keep up support a while longer. But the objective seems to allow for a swift Russian victory by denying Ukraine of vital support.

Is it a catastrophic mistake for Zelensky that he actually believed that Trump would never cut off military aid to Ukraine?


The man isn’t dumb. He probably anticipated it. Donald Trump’s own sons were literally joking on Fox News as soon as Trump senior got elected that Zelensky would “soon lose his allowance”. Because this is all a joke to these assholes.[1]

It’s not a new thing — Ukraine has always been, in the eyes of Trump, a “project” of the Biden family. And he wants no part in it.

I wrote an answer just three hours ago about a recent post by Trump in which he threatened Russia with new sanctions.

 My slight optimistic feeling didn’t last long, because Trump came out just a few hours, saying “Putin holds all the cards” and that he is “just doing what everyone else in his position would do”.

Trump went on to say that it is “easier to deal with Russia than with Ukraine” and that he “has always had a good relationship with Putin” in spite of the “Russian interference hoax”. It’s funny… I thought for a second that maybe we could get our hopes up. That maybe some of this old wild card, maverick-ish Trump would shine through the cracks of his current delusional state. But no, it didn’t. He went right back to kissing Putin’s ass and telling Ukraine to get lost and take whatever shitty deal Putin is “generous” enough to give them… yes, he literally said that — that he “expects Putin to be more generous than he needs to be”.

At this point I’m rolling my eyes so hard at this nonsense that they damn-near popped out of my head. Already, Ukraine is feeling the pain on the battlefield. Caused directly by Trump’s decision to withold vital supplies, intel and now even sattelite images. Many people have claimed that, initially, Biden forced Ukraine to fight Russia “with one hand tied behind their back”… now, Trump is making them fight with a blindfold on and their shoes tied together.


[3] Trump says it is ‘easier’ to deal with Russia and Putin ‘wants to end the war’ 

Which Fruits Provide Natural Digestive Enzymes?

Digestive enzymes are essential for breaking down food and absorbing nutrients. While our body naturally produces enzymes, some fruits contain natural digestive enzymes that can support digestion, reduce bloating, and improve gut health.

Let's explore which fruits contain digestive enzymes, their benefits, and the scientific evidence supporting their role in digestion.

1. What Are Digestive Enzymes and Why Are They Important?

Digestive enzymes help break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into smaller molecules so that the body can absorb them efficiently.

There are three main types of digestive enzymes:

  • Amylases: Break down carbohydrates.
  • Proteases: Break down proteins.
  • Lipases: Break down fats.

Some fruits naturally contain these enzymes, which can enhance digestion and relieve digestive discomfort.

2. Fruits Rich in Natural Digestive Enzymes

2.A. Papaya (Rich in Papain - A Powerful Protease Enzyme)

Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that helps break down proteins into amino acids, making digestion easier. A study published in Food Science & Nutrition found that papain improves protein digestion and reduces symptoms of bloating and indigestion (Smith et al., 2024).

  • Best way to consume: Eat ripe papaya before or after meals to aid digestion.

2.B. Pineapple (Rich in Bromelain - A Natural Digestive Aid)

Pineapple is packed with bromelain, a protease enzyme that helps digest proteins and reduces inflammation in the gut. Research in The Journal of Gastrointestinal Science found that bromelain enhanced protein breakdown and supported gut health in individuals with digestive disorders (Jones et al., 2024).

  • Best way to consume: Eat fresh pineapple or drink pineapple juice for better digestion.

2.C. Banana (Rich in Amylase and Maltase - Carbohydrate-Digesting Enzymes)

Bananas contain amylase and maltase, which help break down carbohydrates into simpler sugars, making them easier to digest. A study in Nutrients found that amylase in bananas promotes quick energy release and aids in carbohydrate digestion (Patel et al., 2024).

  • Best way to consume: Eat ripe bananas to support carbohydrate digestion.

2.D. Mango (Rich in Amylase - Aids in Starch Breakdown)

Mango contains amylase enzymes, which help break down starches into sugars, making it easier for the body to absorb energy. A study in The International Journal of Food Science found that mango amylase enzymes improved starch digestion in individuals with digestive disorders (Gupta et al., 2024).

  • Best way to consume: Eat fresh mangoes as a snack or in smoothies.

2.E. Kiwi (Rich in Actinidin - Improves Protein Digestion)

Kiwi contains actinidin, an enzyme that helps digest proteins and enhances gut motility. A study published in The European Journal of Nutrition showed that actinidin from kiwi fruit improved digestion and reduced bloating (Brown et al., 2024).

  • Best way to consume: Eat fresh kiwi before or after meals.

3. How to Incorporate Digestive Enzyme-Rich Fruits in Your Diet

  • Papaya-Pineapple Smoothie – A great post-meal drink to aid digestion.
  • Banana & Mango Bowl – Helps with energy release and starch breakdown.
  • Kiwi & Pineapple Salad – Supports protein digestion.

Tip: Eat these fruits fresh rather than cooked, as heat can destroy their natural enzymes.

4. Are There Any Side Effects of Consuming Too Many Enzyme-Rich Fruits?

While digestive enzyme-rich fruits are beneficial, consuming them in excess may cause:

  • Diarrhea or bloating due to excess enzyme activity.
  • Mouth irritation (especially with pineapple, which contains bromelain).
  • Allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

Moderation is key – eat 1-2 servings per day for optimal digestive benefits.


Yes, certain fruits naturally contain digestive enzymes that help break down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, making digestion smoother.

Fruits like papaya, pineapple, banana, mango, and kiwi provide essential digestive enzymes that can enhance nutrient absorption, relieve bloating, and improve overall gut health.

Adding these fruits to your diet naturally supports digestion, helping you feel lighter and healthier!


  • Smith, R., Patel, K., & Lee, J. (2024). The role of papain in protein digestion and gut health. Food Science & Nutrition, 42(1), 78–92.
  • Jones, M., Brown, D., & Kumar, R. (2024). Effects of bromelain from pineapple on protein breakdown. The Journal of Gastrointestinal Science, 18(2), 154–169.
  • Patel, S., Sharma, P., & Wong, C. (2024). Amylase in bananas: Enhancing carbohydrate digestion. Nutrients, 16(4), 315–329.
  • Gupta, A., Li, T., & Fernandez, M. (2024). Starch breakdown and digestive benefits of mango enzymes. The International Journal of Food Science, 29(1), 99–115.
  • Brown, C., Anderson, T., & Smith, H. (2024). Actinidin in kiwi fruit: A natural digestive enzyme. The European Journal of Nutrition, 36(3), 221–237.