I see several answers from actual Russian people, some living in Russia, some ex-pats. I wasn’t expecting that when I read the question as I didn’t think the average Russian person “supported” Trump in any way during the election. I didn’t know anyone thought so. I supposed the question referred to Russian government top dogs like Putin and whether he/they have buyer’s remorse. It’s well known to the FBI investigation here that the Russian government meddled in our 2016 Presidential election, hacking into the DNC computer files and leaking information about Clinton, sometimes fabricating worse things than what was found. It’s suspected by FBI investigaors that they did so with an expectation of quid pro quo such as relaxing sanctions and money laundering Russian mob money. It’s one of the main things the FBI Russian investigation is all about, with the question hanging in the air, “What was Trump’s involvement?”
NOTE: Trump saying repeatedly “There was no collusion,” is very similar to Nixon’s repeated insistence, “I am not a criminal.” In both cases, as Shakespeare would say, methinks he doth protest too much. It’s like he’s admitting guilt.
Supposing that Trump was directly colluding with the Russians or perhaps getting his minions such as Jared Kushner to do the colluding for him, I take the question as meaning, “Do Putin and his minions now regret colluding with Donny Demento and his minions to help get him elected?” Since I doubt Putin will post on Quora to weigh in on this question, my answer for him is a resounding NO! Why would any avowed enemy of the USA regret having helped to put a demented, criminal, sexist, racist, bully moron in the Oval Office of the White House? It polarizes and weakens us.He’s doing their job for them. Putin and his minions must be dancing with glee while watching with amusement how Donny Demento has been very busy tearing down everything America has always stood for. I bet they’ll be happy when Donny gets North Korea to fire nukes at us. It doesn’t matter that Donny would have North Korea obliterated in return., Russia wouldn’t be involved in any way, except as gleeful spectators.
I’m sure Putin is jumping for joy as Trump gives his support and encouragement to racists, white supremacists, the KKK, and neo-Nazis. I’m sure Putin loves how Trump has managed to get half of the US to turn on the other half with bitter hatred, worse than any other political division in our history. He wil even love it when the Impeachment process starts and is televised internationally because it will polarize us even more. There’s no violence yet as in the Civil War, well not that much anyway, but we know it’s coming don’t we? If I was a Russian oligarch who wanted to destroy America, I would be so proud to have accomplished the amazing feat of getting Donny Demento elected POTUS. No, the Russian government has no regrets for helping get him elected.
It’s easy to see from his low approval rating, lowest in history of any sitting President, that the vast majority of Americans don’t like what Trump is doing to our country but so far no one is able to stop him. He does whatever he wants and even if it’s a crime he gets away with it — so far.
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