It shouldn’t tell the world’s largest country to take a single solitary inch of Ukraine, a nation 28(!) times smaller than Russia… It should show actual strength and tell Russia to get bent and go home, or face the consequences.
The current position of the current American administration is for the country in yellow to surrender land to the country in red and reward it for it’s terror.
Because, obviously, the world’s largest country doesn’t have enough land to feel “secure” and needs more. This is completely absurd. But this is the world we live in.
The position of the US is a hypocritical one, and painfully two-faced… “Peace through strength” says President Trump. Then he lies down and tells the world: “Russia holds all the cards, Ukraine has none, they should surrender”. When all the information we have on what happened in the Ukrainian territory already occupied by Russia paints an incredibly bleak picture of what happens once Russia rolls in its tanks and men and starts murdering all those who oppose it…
In Bucha in 2022, Russia summarily executed about 500 people, many of them civilians. Nine of the unearthed bodies belonged to people under the age of 18. Anyone who doesn’t submit is murdered, or tortured then murdered. There are many examples of Russia brutally torturing and maiming prisoners of war, before summarily executing them. This is the future of Ukraine when Russia wins the war — far more people will die than will die if victory is found on the battlefield.
It is naive, furthermore, to think Russia cannot possibly run out of funds to fight the war, or men. In offensives, the attackers tends to lose more men than the attacked. With US ally and air defense missiles, Ukraine can easily hold out another year and Russia may very well not be able to last that long with hundreds of dead and wounded a day and Ukrainian drones hitting its oil refineries… if America wanted Ukraine to win, it’d keep up support a while longer. But the objective seems to allow for a swift Russian victory by denying Ukraine of vital support.
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