Sunday, March 09, 2025

Can cruise ship guests flirt with the employees?


There’s nothing stopping a guest from flirting with an employee. As for reciprocation…

If we’re operating strictly by the book, we’d not be allowed to flirt with guests. We live in a litigious world, and the cruise line is going to side with the guest if there is any complaint. Realistically, a little back and forth flirting can be carried out within reason. Little to no chance of having any trouble if you keep it light and complimentary.

The serious problems arise if things go beyond that. No touching outside of a handshake or fist bump. Some would say a hug is fine, though I personally would not hug a guest. Going a step further…

Guests are absolutely not allowed into crew areas, unless either escorted, or approved ahead of time. “Approved ahead of time” usually requires you to be a personal guest of an officer or officer-equivalent staff member, and these approvals usually have to be cleared before the guest ever comes on board.

Similarly, crew are not allowed into guest cabins without a specific business related justification. In my position, I had keys/cards that would let me access any guest cabin. But before I would use those keys, I’d have to have an assigned helpdesk ticket (my department serviced several in-cabin devices), sign for the key (room number and ticket number on the same line), knock on the door and announce myself, wait 10 or so seconds, repeat the knock/announce/repeat cycle 2 more times, and only then use the key to access the room. Once I’m inside, I’ll prop the door open so I am visible from the corridor. Even after all that, I’m encouraged (and sometimes required) to go with another crew member. CYA is one of our top policies.

Some of the older crew members I worked with said it was not always so strict. Hooking up with a guest was one of those “Just don’t get caught” level offenses. And if you did get caught, make sure there are no complaints. But that had become a Zero Tolerance policy years before I joined. On Royal, at the very least, but I suspect it is the same on all major lines.

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