Tuesday, March 04, 2025

How did Meghan Markle get Prince Harry to marry her?

Meghan stalked him and pounced when she thought he was most vulnerable.

As a sexually experienced older woman she will have learned many tips and tricks in the past as a possible narcissist she would also be well-versed in controlling weaker men, it has been suggested that her experience may have come from her yachting days. There is a historical coincidence between American women and royalty controlling the men they marry.

Wallis, Duchess of Windsor (born Bessie Wallis Warfield, later Simpson; was an American socialite who ended up as the wife of King Edward VIII. Their intention to marry and her status as a divorcée caused a constitutional crisis that led to Edward’s Abdication. She spent a year in China before meeting the King and it was believed she learned the art of seduction there.

She was a strong dominant woman and it was believed it was something of a dominatrix relationship in what was essentially a sadomasochistic partnership. Is history repeating itself is Harry the dominated partner in this sorry tale, only time will tell. iI believe Meghan may have stalked him she lured him in a number of ways she wore the perfume his mother wore and acted like she was in touch with Diana spiritually.

Edward and Wallis Simpson led an unhappy life and I believe this current union may end in tragedy and recriminations. Her over-tactile approach appears to be stifling the relationship but she cannot help herself she has to be the centre and hub of all things I fear things will end very badly.


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