Saturday, December 10, 2022


Overthinking is exhausting. Most people who suffer from overthinking can’t eliminate it. They are victims of constant fruitless thinking. Overthinking is putting too much time into thinking about or analyzing something in a way that is more harmful than helpful. Here you can find a way that will help you to overcome overthinking.


1) LIMIT YOUR TIME FOR THINKING- This will help you to take control of the time that you spend in the thinking process.

2) TAKE ACTION- If anything that will prevent you from overthinking that is taking action. The more action you take, the less you will overthink.

3) DON’T BE A PERFECTIONIST IN EVERYTHING- Perfectionism in crucial things is valuable, but if you want to be perfect even in trivial things, this will cause overthinking.

4) LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT- Most of us are afraid of the future, but before the future becomes reality, we should do everything we could to live our present moment. When you live in the present moment, you don’t have time to overthink.

5) FACE YOUR FEARS, WORRIES, AND INSECURITIES- When you don’t know if are you capable to overcome adversity you overthink. But, that is not a good solution for your life. Face your adversity, and you will quit overthinking.

6) DON’T TAKE SERIOUS BAD PREDICTIONS THAT CAUSE OVERTHINKING- We are bad predictors. How much time did you spend afraid of something that didn’t happen? Don’t trust these thoughts, remember you are not good at predicting.

7) DON’T BE AFRAID TO FAIL- Everyone will fail, sooner or later. It is not about failing, it is about learning what you will do when you fail. Fear of making mistakes will stop you from growing. If you fail, you will liberate yourself from it and learn the lesson.

8) DON’T DELAY YOUR ENDEAVORS- If you need to do something do it. If you hesitate you don’t trust yourself. And that is a good ground for self-doubt and overthinking.

9) EXPOSE YOURSELF TO UNCERTAINTY- Paradoxically, but safety is the best play where you want to nurture overthinking. When you expose yourself to uncertainty, you will liberate yourself from overthinking.

10) OVERTHINKING IS A SIMULATION OF LIFE, NOT A REAL LIFE- People overthink because they want to avoid pain, suffering, and disappointments. They overthink because they think they are not capable to deal with adversity. They are wrong. Just when you face adversity you will see that you are strong enough to deal with it.

If you want to eliminate overthinking, contact me for coaching and mentoring.

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