Friday, December 02, 2022

What completely harmless animal or insect would you be afraid of if you met it?


I have an irrational fear of moths anyway.

But if I met this guy at night without ever having seen him, I'd probably get very scared. He's not small.

This is the larva of an endangered moth species of Australia.

Its name is Pink Underwing Moth or Phyllodes Imperialis. This moth species was discovered only in 1988.

Its "face" actually looks like a skull.

But when you get used to it, it's also a little cute.

But what's even funny is that he has a real "butt face" because his face is his butt and in the front he's just slightly curled up.

And here you can see his size and it's impressive.

I already know why I would never sleep outside in Australia.

And this is what the finished moth looks like.

13 centimeters tall.

As big as a small bird and the wings look like leaves. By the way, they prefer to eat rotting fruit that has fallen to the ground.

It would be just my horror that the flies around in my apartment and flies against the walls or against my head, buzzing.

And so it looks camouflaged and then suddenly flies off. Creepy.

Nevertheless, it is beautiful and fascinating.



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