Thursday, December 15, 2022

What are the major changes in life that affect older people?

As a 70 year old, I can attest to the fact that there are definitely changes in life that have an impact, but not all of them are bad.

  • You no longer feel the need to climb a ladder to clean the snow off your roof.
  • You no longer have daily trips into rush hour traffic
  • Friends talk more about new hips and knees than new cars
  • You get to order wine or sake with a long lunch and not worry about going back to work with alcohol on your breath
  • Volunteering suddenly makes more sense than holding down a job
  • Wednesday is no longer referred to as “hump day”
  • Raging hormones are remembered but rarely re-enacted
  • Your dog gets long walks two or three times a day
  • No more broiled chicken from Costco — home cooking makes a comeback
  • Statin in the morning, Xarelto at night
  • You revisit places you used to fly to for work and become a real tourist and really see them for the first time
  • Viking River Cruises start to make sense
  • After cataract surgery, you discover you don’t need eyeglasses any more
  • You realize that spending your children’s inheritance feels really good.
  • You have incredible incentives to avoid contact with people potentially carrying novel coronavirus.

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