Thursday, December 15, 2022

What are 5 things emotionally unstable people don't do?


1. Staying calm is the main thing that emotionally-unstable people don’t do. According to my experience, emotionally unstable people tend to cry and break down, no matter where they are and how old are they. For your information, I remember the times I pouted and cried in a shopping mall just so my (now ex-) boyfriend won’t leave me and I didn’t care the polices were after me.

2. Slowing down in anything. For emotionally-unstable people like me, slowing down only triggers our anxiety. These days, I tend to assume the worst whenever people reply slower in chats, phone calls, and more. So, I’ve hated slowing down to compensate for my wishes.

3. Not reacting to people’s comments. Emotionally-unstable people like me are fast to react to anything, particularly when the news is related to me or my loved ones. Then, again, the solutions that I’ve decided upon are not always workable.

4. Act rationally. According to my experience, emotionally-unstable people have easy triggers. Once they’re emotionally triggered, they can do unthinkable things. Sometimes, these things are so irrational, and they ignore any rules and regulations in doing these things (even their own rules!).

5. Comparing myself with other people in any way. I’ve started to get over this one thanks to a helpful psychologist that I have, but I’ve had my moments when I compare my physical and financial assets to everybody I encounter. It’s just so dreadful to think about.

Now that we’ve known the five things emotionally-unstable people won’t do, I’m going to share the tips to regulate your emotions:

1. Count the sheep as you walk. “Count to ten” is the alias of this tip. So, take a deep breath and count as many sheep as you can whenever you feel the urge to break things around you.

2. Think about past experiences. Many times, emotionally-unstable people are the ways they are because their pasts shape them. Keep on asking yourself the “why” question as you do the exercises in tip point number 1, and you’ll get to the roots of your past experiences.

3. Isolate yourself until you feel calmer. It’s not enough by cutting out toxic people from your life. Instead, you should also consider these things: Taking a break from your social media, going to restaurants that foods you like while also seeking the “happy hours” when the amounts of visitors are not so overwhelming, and more.

4. Play relaxing video games. It doesn’t have to be a mindfulness or yoga game. Many love and pet simulation games also belong to the relaxing genres.

One more tip for you to do is: Read your favorite book! You can enjoy every chapter of your favorite book when you isolate yourself. Here, I’m going to share a book that I know you will enjoy.

The book that I read from one of the most booming book lists is all about a brave female Law student who gets kicked out by her childhood lover because she punches and kicks her childhood lover’s current girlfriend. She doesn’t accept the fact that her childhood lover has already seen someone else.

I think she has the right to be angry at her lover! After all, her lover only loves her for her body. I so admire her bravery!!

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