Wednesday, December 07, 2022

What is the biggest lesson you learned that no one teaches?

I can not tell my parents that I'm still a virgin even after almost three years of my marriage. My husband has erectile dysfunction. Within a few months of marriage, when he never went ahead of foreplay and oral sex, I had to share this with my mother. She shared the fact with my sister in laws who further tried to worsen the situation for us by making my husband go against me. A year into marriage and we lived like strangers out of love. We never to honeymoon, only family trips, and he never took me to his workplace which was a town 500 kilometers away from his hometown where I lived with his parents for a year.

After a lot of heated arguments between our families, it was decided that he'll get himself treated and I'll live wherever he lives, with him. A lot of drama happened. Just because I was so much in love with him, I gave this relationship another chance.

Today, tbh, while living together separately, away from him family, we've grown so fond of each other, our bond has strengthen so much, that the person who never expressed his feelings for me expresses it openly. I was already in love, and now he is too. Romance has grown tenfold.

But the sex hasn't happened, yet.

He and I, both are still virgins. Nothing like we didn't try, we did, he went through medication of all sorts. He did whatever he could, for the proper consummation of this marriage, but still we failed.

I sometimes break down whenever we try doing 'it' and it doesn't happen. I'm in my late twenties and he is in early thirties and this makes it even worse for both of us. We desire for each other. He dies to get inside me. I need him inside me. But it doesn't happen.

My tears makes him feel worthless. He consoles me in his own way. Feels sorry for me. Says, don't worry babe, I'll make everything alright. Just give me some time. I'll make it up to you.

I somehow feel that it'll never happen with us. We'll remain this way. Cuddling couple who never go beyond it.

I cannot let my parents know about this. I do not want another chaos in my married life. I do not want to go away from him just because he can't satisfy me on bed. I love him too much.

My parents now know that everything is going fine between us. Our sex life is great, for they can see our chemistry in our pictures together (that's because our love shows in it). They know everything but the truth.

I know they'll come to know about it eventually. I fear that day all the time. We fear losing each other. Only for this reason. He still fears that my family will break this marriage if it doesn't happen soon. I've told him that I'll not leave him for this reason. I'm not with him for sex. I'm with him because I love him unconditionally. I care for him too much.

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